Showing posts with label HEALTH CARE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH CARE. Show all posts


stress reducation tips
Stress is a state produced by a change in the environment that is perceived as challenging, threatening or damaging to a person’s equilibrium state. The person found him/herself unable or hopeless to meet the new demands of the environment and ultimately feel the stress.  The environmental changes that evoke this stress state are called stressors some people adapt to these stressors by changing their behavior. Below in this article, we are going to explain various health care tips to reduce the stress from your life.


ü  Restlessness

ü  Dry mouth

ü  Fatigue

ü  Loss of interest in life activities

ü  Intense periods of anxiety

ü  Hyperactivity

ü  Palpitations

ü  Headache

ü  Difficulty sleeping

ü  Concentration difficulty


There are many ways for the reduction of stress, some of them we are going to explain below. Read this article very carefully and get rid of your stress with ease.  
1.  Regular Exercise: Physical activity plays a vital role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. One needs to give the time of around 30 minutes from the busy schedule for physical activities to get relief from stress. A regular morning walk is very beneficial to remain fit and healthy.

2.     Healthy Diet: Well-nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress. So we should start our day right with breakfast and balanced nutritious meals throughout the day.

3.     Yoga: Light yoga with deep breathing techniques along with meditation works a lot in reducing stress. Because of stress, our body releases hormones like cortisol and norepinephrine which increases our heartbeat, blood pressure and then ultimately the brain’s activity. As a result, the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for physical relaxation and emotional calm becomes overwhelmed by this sympathetic response. So one should opt for yoga to relieve stress.

4.     Adequate sleep: Life seems to be moving at a very fast pace for everyone these days. A hectic and busy life makes us tired and will increase our stress. So proper sleep is a must.

5.     Listen to music:  It’s a very simple way to reduce stress by listening to your favorite and soft music when you feel stressed.

6.     Aroma Therapy : Stress and anxiety are on the rise in modern society as lifestyles are increasing along with the pressure in the workplace . Aroma therapy is a very good way to relieve stress .Use of essential plant and flower extracts stimulate, balance, soothe and calm our body. Aromas like lavender are very helpful to reduce stress levels.

7.     Reduce caffeine and sugar : By reducing the amount of coffee , sugar in our diet , we’ll feel more relaxed and sleep better. As these all are CNS stimulant and keep our brain stimulant and because of this our brain as well as our body enables to sleep. So if you want to keep yourself relax then you should avoid these especially at night time.

8.     Laughter:  A very common technique which reduces the physical effects of stress is laughter. As we all know laughter is the best medicine and best of all, this priceless medicine is free and easy to use.

9. Do Something joyful:  One should spare time for leisure activities that bring joy to you like swimming, playing, gossiping with others .keeping yourself busy is the most helpful tip to get rid of stress.

10. Get a massage: Using massage is a very old natural and safe way of relaxation as our body parts are massaged and feel relieved from stressful work. It relaxes our muscles by releasing endorphins to reduce stress and pain. It plays a significant role in the reduction of cortisol which is the main stress hormone.
There 10 health tips to reduce stress is very beneficial . Implement these health tips in your daily life and these tips will lead you towards a happy life.


TURMERIC- ‘The golden herb’
Turmeric or Curcuma longa belongs to the family ZINZEBERACEAE. It is one of the most commonly used herb in Ayurveda literature, both internally and externally.

The plant is found abundantly in India. It was taken to distant lands by the travelers who visited India in time. In Hawaii it is used as ‘Olena’, while in Europe it is used as a substitute for saffron because of the similar qualities to the latter. In various parts of Europe and America, it is known as ‘the spice’, because of its abundant use in Indian cuisine.

HINDI - Haldi
ENGLISH - Turmeric
TAMIL - Manzal
Curcuma is an annual herb with a large and ovoid root stock, thick and cylindrical tubers which are bright yellow inside. Its leaves have a long petiole, are oblong and narrow at the base.
Flowers have pale green bracts. They are as long as the bracts and are pale green as well. Rainy season is the flowering season. The plant is cultivated throughout the Indian subcontinent.

Natural TURMERIC herb
Curcumine, Curcumenone, Camphor, Curcone, Camphene, Borneol, Curcumene, Eugenol etc.

SYNONYMS Name – Haridra, Pita, Kanchani, It is exclusively described in Ayurveda texts.
CHARAKA categorized it into anti-helminthic drugs (krimighna), that which reduces itching( kandughna), that which does scrapping and cleaning of dead tissues (lekhaniya).
SUSHRUTA called it slesmasamsamana. It has also mentioned curcuma for the treatment of prameha (infilteration defects of the urinary system).
External application as ubtan (herbal paste to render a glowing and healthy skin). Also mentioned as an antidote of snake venom.

Properties of Turmeric Herb Which makes it as a Miracle Natural drug:
Turmeric is widely known for its anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anthelminthic properties. It is also used as an immunity enhancer. It is said that turmeric lowers the risk of atherosclerosis, also it is supposed to slow the signs of ageing.

Now let’s have a look at the properties responsible for these actions of turmeric, and believe me, there is a reason why turmeric is considered a miracle drug.

1. Act As an Antioxidant- Curcumin and Curcuminoids are primarily responsible for the drug’s anti-oxidant and immunity enhancing properties. They scavenge OH¯ free radical, which is considered the most potent free radical in the system. Free radicals are chiefly responsible for causing tissue toxicity and causing the process of ageing. Thus their removal slows down ageing.
It also improves the memory.
2. Anti-cancerous- Curcumin slows the growth of various kinds of tumours. It is given with certain drugs in chemotherapy due to its anti-cancerous properties.
3. Anti-coagulant- It also has anti-coagulant property,thus it keeps blood thin.
This in turn keeps the risks of various cardiovascular diseases at bay. The risk of atherosclerosis and clumping within blood vessels is also lowered.
4. As a source of iron- Turmeric is a rich source of iron therefore prevents iron deficiency anaemia in the body.
5. Aids in digestion- Curcumin lowers the risk of gall stone formation. It is extremely beneficial for the digestive system and liver.
6. For local application- Because of its antiseptic and anti-microbial actions it works as a miracle drug for the skin. It can heal wounds, scars, lesions etc. It improves the complexion and texture of the skin. It is also used in various formulations which are used to treat acne and pimples. It is locally applied to treat burns and cuts. Therefore it is also known as ‘The kitchen drug’. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory in nature. Therefore it can be applied on swellings, sprains etc.
7. Anti-microbial action on food- Turmeric kills the bacteria present in vegetables, during cooking.
8. Remedy for cold and cough- It is an excellent medicine for cold and cough. Take with warm milk. Natural product with no side effects like other medicine.
A regular intake of turmeric in food and milk boosts the immunity of the body. It makes the skeletal system, digestive system, cardiovascular system healthy. 

It is an excellent treatment for various skin ailments, and while doing so it also makes the skin radiant and healthy. 

A pinch of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk before going to bed at night can work wonders for you and for your pocket too( it can keep the doctors away). 

So, bow down to this Golden Fleece and forget the doctors. Instead of the costly medical treatment try these natural products and herbs which are very beneficial to you and your family. Say yes to Natural products and these Natural herbs will protect you.

Stay Healthy with The Uses of Natural Herbs instead of Medical Treatment.


Natural Home Remedies to get rid of Pregnancy Stretch Marks

HOW TO GET RID OF PREGNANCY STRETCH MARKS Continuing with Women Health Education, this time we are going to share home care tips for pregnant women. 

By using these Health care tips the pregnant women can easily get rid of Pregnancy Stretch Marks easily. Most of the women suffer from stretch marks problem during pregnancy or after the delivery.

Cosmetically it is very embarrassing to have these stretch marks. These can be due to various reasons such as fat loss, fluid loss, hormonal changes and the less elastic skin. Stretch marks are the shiny lines where fat has accumulated and usually occur on the stomach, thighs, belly bottom and chest. 

These stretch marks are not life -long. You can try some home remedies to remove these stretch marks. For this, you need a lot of patience because these take a long time to fade away. 

There are many surgical and cosmetic treatments for the removal of stretch marks but these are too costly for a common person to opt for; so to resolve this problem in this Tricky Health article we are suggesting some home remedies to remove Stretch Marks.

For More Women Health Care Tips CLICK HERE

Effective Home Remedies to get rid of Pregnancy Stretch Marks
The main cause for the stretch marks is the dehydrated skin. Dry skin is more prone to develop stretch marks. The root remedy is to moisturize your skin so that it remains well-hydrated. 

As you will keep your body hydrated, there are fewer chances to develop stretch marks. If you really want to get rid of stretch marks then follow these Women health care tips or Home Remedies to get rid of pregnancy Stretch Marks......
Water: The main concept to get rid of stretch marks is to keep your body well hydrated. Drink plenty of water in a day. 
You should drink at least 10 -15 glasses of water in a day. Avoid the excessive intake of coffee, tea etc. as these cause dehydration to the body. Keeping your body well hydrated is the key concept to get rid of stretch marks.
Lemon: The acidic property of lemon juice is very much beneficial to fades away the stretch marks. Take a lemon and rub it on the stretch marks on daily bases as feel the results with your own eyes. 
After rubbing it just notice the proper soaking of it in the skin and after 5 minutes wash it off with cool water. This is the cheapest and most effective home remedy to get rid of stretch marks.
Oil massaging: Massaging the more prone areas such as abdomen, belly, thighs, and chest with oils will help to lighten the stretch marks as your skin will become smooth. Massaging the area with oils like olive oil, vitamin E oil and castor oil give a wonderful result. You can use these oils as a routine in simple ways as follows:

Olive Oil: This is the best home remedy to get rid of stretch marks. Every day before taking a bath apply olive oil to the desired area by taking the oil in your palm and massage it and after that take bath. For the better result make it a habit to use it regularly. This home tip will take time so make it a habit to apply this regularly. Olive oil helps to exfoliate the skin and provide hydration to the skin.

Vitamin E Oil: Vitamin E Oil also helps to fades away stretch marks. You can use vitamin E oil by mixing it with any moisturiser you like. For the effective results use it on daily bases without any gap. 

Other Essential Oils such as Lavender, Rose, Germanium or other aroma oils also give an effective result. You can use these by adding few drops of one of these to your regular oils like coconut, almond oils etc. Massaging it over the affected area regularly will give best results.
Cocoa Butter: Cocoa butter improves the elasticity of the skin and prevents the dryness so the application of cocoa butter on the stretch marks can help you a lot in getting rid of stretch marks. 
Daily apply the cocoa butter on the stretch marks and after five minutes wash it off with normal water. Just make it a habit and see the results.
White of egg: White of egg is a rich source of protein and is believed to be an effective home remedy to get rid of stretch marks. 
Apply the egg white on the stretch marks regularly and see the better and effective results as the white of egg helps in exfoliating and rejuvenating the skin.
Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe Vera gel is the most effective, safe home remedy to get rid of unwanted stretch marks. 
Apply the aloe Vera gel to the affected area on regular basis and the stretch marks will fades away automatically as it helps in healing and soothing of the skin. You can extracts the aloe Vera gel from a fresh plant or can buy from the market.
Potato: Potato juice is also proves to be an effective home remedy to get rid of stretch marks. Take a potato and rub it on the stretch marks by cutting it into two halves. Apply this home remedy daily and see the desired results. After it get well soaked into the skin then wash it off with cold water.
Apply these Home Remedies for Pregnant Women if you want to get rid of Stretch Marks. You will saw the affects with in few days. For more Women Health Education article and for various Home Remedies continue your visit with Tricky Health Education.


How to Get Rid of Bad Hangover
HANGOVER PROBLEMThe hangover is a very common problem when we drink too much alcohol at night or at some party. This hangover completely ruins our next morning. 

The bad hangover problem gets more serious if you have to go to an office the next day and have to do some important work in the morning. 

Hangover although does not effect our biological as well as on behavioural patterns as a result it is not very harmful but this hangover can causes lots of discomfort and uneasiness.

Various Symptoms related to Hangover: Most common symptoms are as follow:
1. Headache and muscle ache are one of the very common symptom for hangover.
2. Complete Redness of eyes and feeling very thirsty.
3. The mood disturbances, anxiety means feeling very anxious.
Various Reasons  That Causes Hangover Problem
As we all know that alcohol is directly hits the stomach, due to this inflammation occurs. This problem mainly occurs when your stomach is empty and you start drinking alcohol. 

Nausea tendency can because if we take High alcohol concentration in the stomach. This may affect your liver as well and can produce high level of gastric acid.

The vomiting can be caused due to this nausea tendency. The vomiting is one of the very common symptoms of a bad hangover. This symptom of vomiting comes when people drink too much and have very little capacity to consume alcohol.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hangover
Drinking alcohol is not good for your health so if you drink too much alcohol quit it as soon as possible. There are also a few home remedies on how to get rid of bad hangover which we are going to explain below. So check out these health tips on how get rid of a bad hangover.
1). Most important health tip to get rid of hangover is that never drink alcohol if your stomach is completely empty. We are advising you that you should eat something before drinking the alcohol. 
2). Start drinking plenty of water because of the dehydration effect which can be caused by the consumption of alcohol. Drinking lots of water can also restore the electrolyte balance of our body. So our second health care tip to get rid of hangover is to drink plenty of water. 
3). If you are suffering badly from a bad hangover then there is a very popular pill (tablet) known as Aspirin which can reduce and cure hangover effects, particularly when you are having migraine and pain in all parts of body. Take the aspirin pill dissolved it in a glass of water and drink it. 
4). Consuming coffee during bad hangover also have good effect but this effect is not long lasting. Consumption of Coffee will give you relief from various symptoms like headache. As we know that coffee contain caffeine content which might instantly recover you from hangover but, in the long run, it will make things more complicated. 
5). Eating egg early in morning with empty stomach can help a person to get rid of bad hangover effect. When we are eating egg with empty stomach this will automatically flushing away toxins from the body. 
6). Start Consuming certain types of fruits and vegetables which have high content of potassium. Some of them are as follow: “ Fruit Juices, Bananas as well as Bouillon soup and other vegetables should be consumed to get rid of hangover.
That’s all about these health tips on the hangover. But always remember one thing that drinking too much alcohol can damage your liver completely and there in no home remedies to recover it. So be careful and stop drinking too much alcohol. For more health care tips and medical education on various topics continue your visit with us.
Say Big NO to Alcohol and Yes to Happy and healthy life.

HOW TO AVOID NIGHTMARE (BAD DREAMS): Health Education on Nightmares

HOW TO AVOID BAD DREAMSDreams are one of the essential parts of individual life. Some night gives you bad dreams also known as a nightmare whereas some nights gives you a good dream. 

The good dream leads to a fresh morning with pleasure and joyful while a bad dream in the night may be a reason for depressed feelings. 

Oneirologists are the scientists who deal with the study of dreams. Until now the scientists/oneirologists are not able to find out whether dreams originate from the brain. Most of the dreams are responsible for negative emotions in an individual life.
Pregnant Women and bad dreams
As we know that bad dreams are also known as nightmares. Nightmares are basically a series of scary images, feeling/sensation, emotions and facts. The bad dreams take place when we are sleeping at night. 
This act of frightening is also very common during pregnancy period of the women. During the pregnancy period the women go through the various hormonal changes. During this period of pregnancy, she thinks too much about many things which cause a negative interpretation during her night dreams. 
As women is going through many mental as well as physical changes during her pregnancy period the bad dreams (nightmares) are very common.
Treatments for Nightmare during Pregnancy: There are many human beings who have very bad dreams/nightmare but they do not suffer because they take these bad dreams very casually and forgets them very easily when they wake up in the morning. 

There are also some people who have nightmares and these bad dreams become a reason of concern for them as they regularly suffered by these bad dreams. 

This is the most common reason of a health problem known as depression and increased anxiety. Here in this health care article below we share some health treatment related to bad dreams:
Health Education on Bad dreams treatments 
1). Imagery practice treatment (Cognitive Therapy) – In this type of nightmare treatment the suffered human beings are encouraged to make a modification in their dream during the ending of the bad dream. 
This treatment for bad dreams is also well known as a cognitive therapy. By using this therapy you can imagine and replace the scared outcome of bad dream to a less upsetting or fearful outcome. 
The 70% of the people who are suffering from nightmare have got success by using this bad dream treatment according to the recent survey.
2). Painting dreams– In this type of nightmare treatment the expert/specialists asks the constant bad dreamer to paint the place in which the bad dreamer has dreamt. 
After that, the expert asked dreamer to talk something in dream about the character of the dream. After this the dreamer has full freedom to draw a happier conclusion in the dream.
3). Use Your Common sense– After a bad dream when you come out of the dream, you should understand that, whatever you are watching in your dream is not at all in the real world. If every one of us can add this common sense in our mind/thought, there will be no harm to your health as well as you life goes on happily.
4). Some Relaxation techniques– There are some relaxation techniques which surly helps you these techniques are: Physical exercises on daily basis, meditation (Yoga), breathing exercise, No consumption of alcohol, and say no to nicotine.
Conclusion: One more thing we want to share that find a happy place which is full of peace and you love to stay there for some time. Visit that place for some time so that you forget everything else. Also, spend more time with your friends and family happily. Always think about those moments which make you happy when you are going to bed.

That’s all about this Medical education article on How to avoid bad dreams during the pregnancy of women. For more health care tips continue your visit with Tricky Health Education.


how to get pregnant fastThe pregnancy can be easily achieved by a healthy couple within a year if they have no issue regarding their reproductive system. 

Some of the common and very minor issues can create a problem in conceiving so you must aware of these minor issues and the various solutions for these issues.

Here in this Medical Health Education article, we are suggesting some of the healthy pregnancy Tips to have a healthy and fast pregnancy.

Instructions for the Successful Accomplishment of pregnancy
1). Couples should feel relax and calm before intercourse. There can be a problem in conceiving with a stressful mind and body. So it is very important for both the partners to be stress free before and during the intercourse.
2). Pregnancy achieved by a woman in her ovulating period so it is very important to have a knowledge regarding the time of ovulation. A woman can predict her ovulation period by using the Ovulation predictor Kit (or) can use the natural method. 
When a woman ovulates then the body temperature rises to some bit and the vaginal discharge gets more thicker.  So having unprotected intercourse in her ovulation period can help her to achieve pregnancy faster. 
3). The male partner should avoid any excessive exercise before the intercourse and one more thing that the men should avoid the hot bath and do not wear the tight underwear.
Healthy Natural Tips to Achieve Easy and Fast Pregnancy
If the couples are not getting pregnant for a long time and on basis of medical advice they are wishing to start some fertility drugs they should avoid these medical drugs for a small time period and must try these health tips to get pregnant soon

These Health tips to get pregnant soon are not very costly but these natural health tips help you to improve your fertility and provide a chance to become pregnant. Some more health tips related to successful pregnancy are given below:
1). Having intercourse in different positions can help in deep penetration which is much more important to get pregnant; for deep penetration the female partner should lye down in flat position with the thighs upwards and must be in the same position for 20 minutes after the intercourse. This will help the male partner sperms to reach up to the egg so that fertilization takes place. 
2). A woman wishing to get pregnant should stop the birth control pills because these pills are for prohibiting the pregnancy. 
3). Pregnancy takes place during ovulation period of a women. A woman can predict her ovulation period by using the Ovulation predictor Kit (or) can use the natural method. 
When a woman ovulates then the body temperature rises to some bit and the vaginal discharge gets more thicker. So the couple should have intercourse during this period to get pregnant. 
4). Both life partner male as well as female should have a healthy and safe  lifestyle when they want a new member in their family. A balanced diet for both is very necessary. 
The Drugs, alcohol and smoking should be avoided for a successful pregnancy. The Male partner should avoid the hot water bath because the heat produced from the hot water lower the sperm count in the scrotum. 
5). When one wants a Baby the couple should perform the intercourse activity frequently so that the sperms accumulate inside the vaginal and cervical canal for a few days. This will lead to the successful pregnancy.
Easy Health Tips to Get Pregnant
Following are the few health care tactics to achieve a successful pregnancy.
* The egg that is produced during ovulation period in the female body is available for 12 hr.  to 24 hours to meet the sperm and the sperm inside the female body lives for 3 days to 5 days. So the pregnancy can be achieved from the 11th to 21st day of the menses(periods) so having an unprotected intercourse during this period can help to get pregnant.
Try to implement these tactics or health tips in your daily life and maybe they will work for you as these methods already work for many couples who have the same problem related to their pregnancy. A proper medical education or knowledge will always help you.

That’s all about this Tricky Health education on How to achieve a successful pregnancy with in few period. For more Health Care Tips Continue your visit with Us.

HOME REMEDIES TO CURE MILD COUGH : Health Care tips for Cold and Cough health problem

HOME REMEDIES TO CURE COUGHCough is a common problem in the winters and is such an irritating, distracting, tiring problem: that when someone is having this problem, he/she can’t sleep well and even can’t focus on the work. 

By coughing again and again there is pain all over the body in such condition everyone runs for the allopathic treatment but there is no need for allopathic medicine when there are various natural home remedies available easily at-home settings, but it is necessary to go for your sputum check-up when the cough persists for more than two weeks. 

In this Tricky Health Education article, we are suggesting some of the healthy home tips for curing the cough. So read this health care post carefully to make yourself healthy by using these 7 Natural Home remedies to cure cough.

1). Warm salt water: Gargling with the warm salt water can be very helpful in get rid of cough. Gargling helps in loosening the mucus in the throat and the easy removal of the mucus. 
It also removes excess of fluid accumulated in the inflamed areas. Gargle with the warm salt water three to four times in a day for the better result. 
This home remedy is one of the very beneficial in removing cough and can be very easily perform at home with ease.
2). Warm Liquids: Drinking warm liquids helps in soothing the throat. Always use warm water instead of cold water because the hot water helps in decreasing the inflammation in the throat. You can also use other healthy warm liquids such as soups, hot coffee etc.
3). Correct sleeping position: Sleeping with the head at an elevated position helps to reduce the frequency of cough at night time. This position with the closed mouth helps in reducing the chances of throat irritation by some of the agents such as cool air and the drainage from the nose to the throat which can irritate the throat and results into cough.
4). Honey: Honey is a traditional remedy for relieving the cough. It helps in soothing an irritated throat. To get rid of cough mix a spoon of honey to a glass of hot milk and drink it before going to bed. This is an effective way for relieving night time cough. You can also mix a spoon of honey and lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink this thrice a day to get relief from cough.
5). Turmeric: Turmeric is a traditional and natural home tip to get rid of cough. You can use turmeric in different ways as you wish. You can mix the one spoon of turmeric powder in one glass and then drink it. 
Mix half teaspoon turmeric powder and half teaspoon salt in one glass of hot water & use it as a turmeric gargle twice in a day, which gives good results and you will experience relief from cough. You can also inhale the smoke of burning turmeric as an effective remedy for cough and cold.
6). Vaporubs: Vaporubs are a better, fast and easy way to get rid of cough. The mechanism of their action is a mystery as after the application of vaporubs one can have a sound sleep. 
You can either rub the vaporub on the chest, nose and throat or you can also get its benefit by mixing the vaporub in the warm water and take the steam by mouth if you have cough and if you have cold then take the steam from nose for at least 10 minutes. The ingredients of this magic rub are menthol, camphor and eucalyptus; these ingredients help in relieving congestion
7). Ginger: Add some fine pieces of ginger into a cup of boiling water and boil it till the volume of thick water keeps to half of its starting volume means half cup and then add one teaspoon of honey and drink this warm solution to have a soothing effect against cough. Apply this home tip at least for two to three times in a day for effective result.
That’s all about this Tricky health education. If you are suffering from this problem than try to implement these natural home remedies at your home. For more health care tips and Home remedies continue your visit with Tricky Health Education.



How to control Acidity By using Home Remedies?

HOME REMEDIES FOR ACIDITY TREATMENTWhat is Acidity: Acidity refers to the formation of high levels of gastric juices in the stomach; gastric juices help in the proper digestion of our food which we have eaten, but the abnormal and excessive secretion of these gastric juices lead to acidity

This is also called heartburn because of this condition there is a burning sensation in the esophagus (food pipe) due to the acid present in the stomach flow up to the esophagus and cause acid reflux. 

Nowadays this is a common health problem for the people especially to the urban people because of their faulty eating habits and the faulty lifestyle pattern. It is very necessary to control this condition because these juices can destroy the lining of the esophagus or can lead to other serious disorders such as ulcers. 

This condition is not a permanent condition this can be treated by some moderation in the lifestyle pattern and the changes in the eating pattern. 

In this Tricky Health Education article, we are suggesting some of the home remedies control acidity. These Natural Home Remedies (or) health care tips can be very helpful in treating this Acidity condition. This condition is caused by various reasons which are as follows:

UNHEALTHY EATING PATTERN: Eating of oily food, food with more salt, sweets & spices can cause acidity. Drinks contain lots of acids and the food which tastes sour can lead to acidity.
STRESS: stress, worries, pressure on the mind can also lead to acidity as these trigger the more acid (gastric juices) production and secretion in the stomach.
UNHEALTY LIFE STYLE PATTERN: inadequate physical activity, going to sleep early after having food also leads to excessive production of the gastric juices.
ANY ILLNESS: Any disorder or the illness related to the digestive system also lead to the acidity problem.
Frequent coffee drinking, alcohol drinking, smoking etc. also lead to acidity as these substances enhance the gastric juices secretion.
1. In beginning there will be restlessness to the person

2. Heart burn means burning sensation in the heart region can be there.

3. Feeling of nausea or vomiting can be there

4. Sour belching can be there, it will be with the food taken. Individual will face a sour feeling in his food passage.

5. Flatulence and bloating are other symptoms of this problem.

6. Indigestion or the severe constipation can be in acidity cases.

Natural Home Remedies for Treating Acidity
Use of Aloe Vera for Removing Acidity: Acidity problem can be effectively treated with the aloe Vera. For the permanent treatment of the acidity, you must consume Aloe Vera juice daily before taking your meals.
Use of Papaya for Removing Acidity: As papaya is easily available in the fruit market so can be beneficial in treating the acidity problem. As every one knows papaya is helpful in treating the constipation because it contains the enzyme papain which is very helpful in the digestion of proteins which we take in our food, so as the food is properly digested so in minimize the risk of acidity. So you should consume it everyday for the better results.
Remove the Habit of Fast eating: In some cases of acidity it can be due to some of the faulty eating practices such as taking too much spicy, oily. In these cases acidity can be treated by fasting or staying without eating anything. In this case have a light diet and avoid the solid, spicy, oily food. In this case mainly focus on the fruit juices and drink plenty of water.
Ginger & lemon juices is very helpful in Removing Acidity: Ginger and lemon can be effective in curing the acidity problem. For this cut the ginger into pieces and take out the juice from it and then mix one lemon juice into it and drink it everyday after having the food and see the results.
Cabbage juice Home Remdy for Acidity: Cabbage juice is very helpful in treating acidity problem. Take out the juice from the sliced cabbage into the mixer and have a cup of it everyday before having a meal. For the better results make it a routine to have a cup of cabbage juice everyday without a gap.
Honey Home Remedy for Acidity: As Honey is having many of the natural medicinal properties and is easily available at every home is very much beneficial in treating the acidity problem. For this you should take two spoon of honey every night before going to bed. Honey is very helpful in preventing the food pipe walls from the dangerous effects of the gastric juices.
Carrot juice: Carrot juice can be beneficial to treat the acidity problem, for this cut carrot in small pieces and make a juice out of it with the mixer and consume this everyday to avoid or treat the acidity.
All these home remedies can be performed at home on a daily basis with ease. If you are suffering from Acidity then use these health tips. That’s it about this Tricky Health Education article, be here for more health care tips….



DRY SKIN CARE TIPSDry skin is the most common skin problem, especially in the winters. The main reason for the dry skin is the improper function of the sebaceous glands in the body, sebaceous glands secrete the sebum which is an oily product & helps in maintaining the skin hydration level. 

When the sebaceous glands in the skin do not produce sufficient sebum then it results in the dry skin. The main symptoms of the dry skin are itching, irritation, cracking & fine lines on the skin on the skin. 

This problem of dry skin is not life -long, it can be cured by applying the various home tips which are available easily in the home. There are various causes of dry skin but the temperature change is the main cause. Some of the causes and the healthy home tips are suggested below:

1). The environment changes: The main reason for the dry skin is temperature means season changes. In winter dry skin is a common problem because of the low levels of temperature and humidity in the environment. The moisture in the skin goes out in the winter season and makes the skin dry in this season. Try to use the moisturizers for skincare in the winter.

2). Dehydration: dehydration means low water levels in the body. The low water level in the body also results in dry skin so drink lots of water in a day.

3). Vitamin Deficiency: The improper supply of vital vitamins like A, C, and vitamin E causes dry skin. These vitamins help in maintaining the skin moisture so have the foods rich of vitamin A, C and E like green leafy vegetables, fruits, egg, chicken, yoghurt, lemon, orange etc. Take the proper diet to combat the dry skin.

4). Long sun exposure: Long sun exposure results in dry skin and skin discoloration because the UV radiation in the sun absorbs the moisture from the skin and leaves the skin dry.

5). Extended baths: Some of the people take the bath frequently means 3 to 4 times in a day which can lead to dry skin. Using too much hot water for the bath is also the main cause of dry skin because the hot water absorbs the skin moisture and makes the skin dry, so avoid too much-extended & too much hot & cold baths.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Various Health care tips that you can use to get rid of this Dry Skin problem. These Home remedies can be performing at home with very easy with almost at a very low-cost rate.
USE OF TOMATO: Grind the fresh tomato and 2-3 small pieces of ripe papaya in blender and make the smooth paste. Apply this smooth paste all over the dry skin, face and as it get dried wash it off with the Luke-warm water. This health tips or this Home remedies will surly work for you and make your skin soft.
USE OF ALMONDS: Soak the 6 -7 almonds over night & in the morning make the almonds into smooth paste and add one table spoon of milk & one table spoon of honey to the almond paste. Apply this paste on the dry face & skin, after 15 minutes rinse it off with tap water. Use this home tip regularly for the better result.
USE OF BANANA: Take one ripe banana and mesh the banana and add 1 table spoon of honey to the banana. Apply this paste on the face & wash it off after 10 minutes. Honey acts as a natural moisturizer and banana helps in retaining the moisture inside the skin. For best result use this home tip regularly for 2 weeks.
USE OF ALMOND OIL: Application of almond oil on the dry skin every night before going to bed can also help in get rid of dry skin as the almond is a natural moisturiser and helps in maintaining the skin moisture.
USE OF ALOEVERA: Apply the fresh aloe Vera gel evenly over the dry skin and as it get dried then rinse it off with Luke warm water. Aloe Vera is a natural moisturiser and it gives hydration to the skin &also maintains the skin moisture.

Continue your visit with Tricky Health Education for more Home Remedies and HEALTH Care Tips.