The hepatitis B virus, 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV, kills over 6 lakh people every year worldwide. The incidence among the Indian population may be about 2-5 percent, according to WHO. Creating awareness against the deadly virus is the only solution.
Introduction: LIVER diseases do not get as much media space as cancer and heart ailments, but they are equally menacing and deadly. The most important of these is hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, which is caused by a viral infection. 

Hepatitis is of five types: A, B, C, D and E. While hepatitis A and E are caused by the consumption of contaminated food and water, hepatitis B, C and D most commonly occur due to contact with infected body fluids like blood and semen, and contaminated injections. 

Hepatitis B and C can lead to chronic (long-term) diseases such as liver cancer and liver cirrhosis. Liver cancer is almost always fatal, with most patients in developing countries dying within a few months of diagnosis. Liver cirrhosis patients are sometimes given liver transplants, with mixed success.
health education on Hepatitis b
                                                The deadly killer
Hepatitis B is the most dangerous type of viral hepatitis. About 2 billion people are estimated to be infected with it. The incidence among the Indian population may be about 2-5 per cent, according to WHO. When infected with hepatitis B virus, about 80 per cent of the people do not show any symptoms during the short term (acute) phase. Since they remain unaware of the ailment, it is easy for them to transmit the virus to others. So be aware of it to make your and other life healthy and fit.
Sign And Symptoms:
The symptoms, if these occur, include jaundice, dark urine, vomiting and stomach pain.
Treatment: There is no specific treatment for acute hepatitis B and most patients recover after a few weeks without any medication. Sometimes, the hepatitis B virus may reside in a patient’s body for years (chronic phase) and damage the liver by causing serious life-threatening diseases. Blood tests can diagnose people with hepatitis B and distinguish between acute and chronic infections. Age is an important factor in determining if hepatitis B will remain acute (run for a few weeks) or turn chronic (life-long). The lower the age of a person getting infected with hepatitis B, the higher are the chances of the infection turning chronic. Young children infected with hepatitis B are the most likely to develop chronic infection. About one-fourth of adults, who get chronically infected during childhood, succumb to liver cancer or cirrhosis later. That is why it is extremely important to protect children from hepatitis B infection. This can be done through vaccination.
About 15 crore people in the world are infected with Hepatitis C, around 3.5 lakh of whom die every year to complications related to the virus, according to WHO.
Unfortunately at this time there is no preventive vaccine for hepatitis C currently available. It is curable using anti-viral drugs but the treatment is very expensive, much beyond the capacity of most patients in developing countries. So awareness with your Health and Fitness can save you from such viruses


aaIn our previous article we discussed about What is Breast Cancer and it’s classifications. If you want to read that article on “What is Breast Cancer?” than you can CLICK HERE to have a look on that article. Now in this article of Medical Education on Cancer we are going to tell you various risk factors means the factors which increases the chances to have breast Cancer.
RISK FACTORS OF BREAST CANCER: Risk factors mean the factors which increase the chances to have the breast cancer. There are a variety of factors which can lead to breast cancer, these are as follows:
1). GENETIC FACTORS: These are the factors which are related to genes and are inheritable means they can be transferred from parents to their children. These are as follows:
  • GENETIC FACTORS: The BRCA1 & BRCA2 mutations are the main causes of inherited cases of the breast cancer cases.
  • FAMILY HISTORY OF BREAST CANCER: The chances to have breast cancer increases to two folds if a person having first degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) breast cancer & the chances to get this problem increased to five folds if the person having two first degree relatives.
  • FEMALE GENDER: 99% of the breast cancer cases occur in females as compared to males.
2). HORMONAL FACTORS: These are the factors that are directly related to the level of hormones in the body. These are as follows:
  • MENSTRUATION: The women who are having their menarche (starting of menstruation) at earlier age that is before 12 years if age & late menopause (cessation of menstrual cycle) that is after 55years of age are at a greater risk of developing breast cancer.
  • CHILD-BEARING FACTORS: The women who conceive after 30 years of age & the women who are not having any child including abortion are prone to have breast cancer.
  • HORMONAL THERAPY: The women using oral contraceptives continuously from last 10 years & use of hormonal therapy after menopause are at a risk to develop breast cancer.
3). ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: These are the factors that present in the environment:
  • EXPOSURE TO IONIZING RADIATION: The risk is more if a girl exposed to ionizing radiation during adolescent period because at this time the breast tissues are still developing and have a greater chances of mutations.
4). PERSONAL FACTORS: These factors are related to a person’s own life-style. These are as follows:
  • OBESITY: More weight that is overweight women are prone to have breast cancer because the fat tissue can increase the hormone (estrogen) production which is the main cause of developing breast cancer.
  • ALCOHOL INTAKE: Daily two or three drinks also increase the risk to develop breast cancer.

1. On physical self-examination a mass that is almost non-tender (painless), fixed not mobile, hard with irregular border is felt.
2. Discharge from nipple.
3. Breast pain associated with menstruation is also common in this.
4. Irregularity in the shape, size & symmetry of both breasts.
5. Breast skin dimpling.
6. Mammographic results shows abnormality in the anatomy (internal structure) of the breast.
breast cancer
These sign & symptoms may be confused with the normalcy of breast structure and sometimes may be ignored so it is very important to consult a doctor as soon as you notice any of these signs for confirmation and to have your mammography regularly.
Mammography is the best method to diagnose the breast cancer earlier. One should undergo mammography every 3 yearly, it is very important for the women in their 20s & 30s to undergo mammography every 3 yearly & yearly for elderly women.
Doing breast self examination is also an important method to prevent breast cancer chances. So in our next article we will tell you how one can do her breast examination by her own that is called Breast Self Examination (BSE). So have a watch on our articles on “Cancer Health Education”.
Wrote By: Dr. Naina Sharma.


                                WHAT IS BREAST CANCER?
INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is a major health problem in the people especially in the elderly women. It is the cancer of breast tissue which developed due to alteration in the genes. A cancer can be defined as the changes that take place in the genes which leads to uncontrolled proliferation (enhancement) of that tissue means too much immature tissue development is there. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develop from the inner milk ducts or the lobules that supply the milk. Various researches shows that breast cancer is more prevalent in developed countries than developing countries and more in the women of high socio economic status. Life expectancy rate depend upon the type, stage, Treatment & self adherence of the patient.

Be Aware: Breast cancer is a type of malignant tumor (can spread from one organ to another) of the breast tissue.

Breast cancer is of different types. The type of breast cancer depends upon the site of cancerous tissue whether it is in the ducts of breast or in the lobules. Mainly it is of following types:

Description of these types is as follow: 1). DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU (DCIS): DCIS is a type of cancer which is limited only to the milk ducts & not spreaded to the surrounding tissues that’s why it is called as “non-invasive cancer”. If it is diagnosed by Mammogram then it is consider as the cancer stage 0. If it is left untreated then it can lead to invasive cancer so early identification & treatment is very much important. 2). INVASIVE CARCINOMA (CANCER): When the caner spread to the surrounding breast tissue then it is called invasive cancer. Depending upon the site of invasion it is of following types:
  • INFILTRATING DUCTAL CARCINOMA: This is the most common type of invasive cancer accounting for approximately for 80% cases. This type of cancer firstly starts in the ducts of the breast then spread to the surrounding tissues. They form a solid irregular mass in the breast.
  • INFILTRATING LOBULAR CARCINOMA: This type of cancer accounts for 10-15% of cases. This type of breast cancer starts in the milk producing glands & then invades the surrounding tissues. This type of cancer that arises as ill defined thickening in the breast.
  • MEDULLARY CARCINOMA: This type of cancer accounts for 5% of breast cancer & arises from the capsule inside the ducts then invades the surrounding tissues.
  • MUCINOUS CARCINOMA: This type accounts for 3% breast cancer cases & mostly occurs in the elderly women. This grows from the mucin producing cancer cells & is slow growing that’s why its prognosis is good.
  • TUBULAR DUCTAL CARCINOMA: This type of cancer accounts for 2% of breast cancer cases & the prognosis of this type is excellent because the chances of invasion are very less.
  • INFLAMMATORY CARCINOMA: This is a peculiar type of breast cancer because the sign & symptoms are very unique. This type of breast cancer is very rare. This is characterized by edema (swelling) & brawny erythema resembling to orange peel. This is caused by the malignant cells blocking the lymph channels in the skin.
  • PAGET’SDISEASE: This accounts for 1% of cases. This is similar as ductal carcinoma of nipple but can invade to surrounding tissues. This is characterized by scaly, erythematous, pruritic (pus) lesions of the nipple.
In the Next Topic of our Health Education we will Post about Various Risk Factors related to the Skin Cancer. So continue your visit with us For a Healthy Life ahead..Red rose
Risk Factors And Symptoms Those Lead to Breast Cancer(CLICK HERE)


There are lots of ways to lose weight but to keep the weight off is not always an easy task. The solution to successful weight loss is making changes in your eating and physical activity habits that you have to keep up for the rest of your life. The information in this article of health caring tips helps you to put you on the road to healthy living.

Why We Should Lose our Weight?????
There are some Weight-related Health Problems to prevent our self from these we have to lose our weight. These are as follows :
Heart disease or stroke
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Gallbladder disease
Some types of cancer
Osteoarthritis (wearing away of the joints)
Sleep apnea (during sleep interrupted breathing)

The Next question that comes in our mind is as follow:

Can I benefit from weight loss?
health tipsHealth experts agree that if you lose even a small weight then you may gain many health benefits:
  · If a person loses 5 to 7 percent of their body weight then they may improve their health and quality of life & this will also prevent you from various weight-related health problems as we discuss above and highlighted with Red lines.
     · On the psycho-social aspect if you have normal weight then you feel yourself stress free as people can’t call you fatty or something else. You will be satisfied with your appearance.
For maintaining a normal (average) Body weight you should follow a healthy diet and regular activity schedule that means you should have a nutritious diet (Green Leafy vegetables, more fluids, less spicy and oily diet) and regular exercises.
How can I lose my weight?
Losing weight is not so much easy as people think it requires a great determination & self power. For an overweight person, losing 5-10%of body weight should be the aim. Here are some of the easy methods to reduce your body fat:
1. DIETARY CHANGES: As the diet controlling is in a person’s own hands & this is the secret of controlling our weight. So I person diet should be as follow:
  • LOW CALORIE DIET: For losing your weight you have to take less calorie food as on the all food items total calorie value is written, here you can choose the food items with low calorie diet. For an adult only 1000 kcal (kilo calories) are recommended.
  • LOW FAT DIET: lowering or taking fat free diet can help you in reducing your weight to 5%. For fat free diet you should take saturated, oil-free & less spicy diet.
  • HIGH FIBRE DIET: Taking a high fibre diets such as green leafy vegetables, more fruits and tuberous food can also help you in reducing body fat. The fibre content of our food helps in delay (slow) emptying of our stomach as a result of this we did not feel hungry frequently.
  • REDUCING DIET: Reducing the frequency & the amount of the diet as compared to regular diet can also help in reducing your body fat. Food intake should not be more than the energy requirement.
2. INCREASED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Increasing your daily physical activities can also help you. For physical activity, it is not necessary to exercises hardly but you should choose the daily activities those require movements because as you move it requires energy & for energy requirement, there will be metabolism process means there will be burning of calories & fat of body that will automatically lead to weight reduction. Regular brisk walking, skipping, jogging, yoga can also help in weight reduction.

3. Behavioral CHANGES: Some time wrong behavioral practices can also lead to weight gain so it is necessary to improve these practices, these are as follows:
  • STRESS (TENSION): Taking too much tension is also a cause of obesity, so just relieve this stress by keeping yourself happy, engage in heart soothing activities like YOGA, listening soft music, socialization & prayer etc.
  • ALCOHOL/SMOKING: Many types of research show that alcohol consumption also leads to obesity. So say goodbye to these and have a healthy life.
  • OTHERS: If by following all of the above practices regularly & honestly, your weight is uncontrollable then it can be due to some systemic (physical) disease such as hyperthyroidism etc. then you should consult a physician as soon as possible.
There are appetite-suppressing drugs that are also available .you can take this after a doctor’s prescription.
Surgical methods: liposuction, gastric bypass, jaw-wiring, gastroplasty can be some bit beneficial but after a physician’s consultation only.

Continue your visit with us for more health tips and health cure articles. If you have any query and questions regarding this article post your comment and we will reply within 24 hr.
Written By: Pro. S.L Sharma.


This Time we are not going to share any Health Education topic but we are going to share an article on the career-making opportunity in the Medical Profession. Nursing is the most popular profession in the medical line basically for Girls.

Nursing means not to just taking care of the sick peoples. Careers in Nursing Line offer you a broad diversity of roles and a broad scope of responsibility. There are many opportunities for qualified nurses such as teaching, administration and research jobs. There are several different ways to get into this career of Nursing for medical Students.

Nursing care
There are Three Educational Paths to Becoming a Nurse.

❚ A diploma from an accredited nursing or hospital,
❚ An associate's degree in nursing (ADN a two year program), or
❚ A bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)).
Now Days the Diploma holder candidates have become less popular over the years, as the availability and versatility of the candidates with bachelor's degrees. Before becoming licensed nurse, one must pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), or for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN).
Remuneration after Becoming a Nurse:
Remuneration of nurses depends on the level of seniority reached. The Remuneration given below is in Indian Currency for the Nurses who are to working in India, while if we take the scenario of the World than the remuneration for the Nurses in each country varies.
· Nurses employed in Government hospitals in India as a fresher receive a monthly pay of Rs 7,000 to Rs 17,000.
· The Mid-level positions nurses can get pay of Rs 18,000 to Rs 37,000.
· Highly experienced nurses even get salary of Rs 48,000 to Rs 72,000 per month.
Nurses who get employment in foreign countries such as in USA, Canada, England and Gulf countries can easily earn even more on monthly pay packets. The nurses who are working in private hospitals or in the Army Hospitals can receive a slightly higher remuneration. Even Private Nurses have a fixed daily fee.

Demand and Need of Nurses
With the rapid growth in the population, the necessity for superior healthcare services is needed. There is an endless demand for nurses in the country as well as in the whole world. However, the supply of nurses greatly falls short of meeting this ever growing demand.
Nursing is the best profession at this time for medical Line students, it is really the best way to Serve the Humanity and also earn from it.


As in our previous Medical education article regarding Hypertension we have explained you about the Introduction and Various risk factors for developing Hypertension now we are going to explain you about various Sign and Symptoms, Treatment, and daily health fitness tips for controlling Hypertension. If you have not studied the previous article on “Introduction to Hypertension” Then you can CLICK HERE to read that Medical Education article.

As before knowing that someone having hypertension, they do not show any sign and symptoms but here are some typical sign and symptoms which a hypertensive person may or may not show. These are as follows:
·         On physical examination there is elevated BP level of more than 140/90 mm hg for two consecutive readings.
·         Occasionally, retinal (eyes) changes that are haemorrhages, redness, exudates.
·         Pathological changes in kidneys (increased level of creatinine in blood)
·         Alteration in vision & speech
·         Dizziness
·         Weakness, sudden fall

When the BP is uncontrollable by changing the life style then "Adjuvant therapy" that is pharmacological therapy is started. Main classes are:
·         Diuretics
·         Beta-blockers
·         Vasodilators
·         Calcium channel blockers
·         Angiotension converting enzyme inhibitor

Expertise Health Tips to Maintain Your BP:
The following flow-chart telling the various methods to control and maintain your BP.


As BP control is in our own hands, so here we are telling you various daily heath care tips by which you can control and maintain your BP as well as a good health.

    §  Reduce your salt intake to an average not more than 5gm per day.
    §  Taking high fibre diet, high potassium diet as mentioned earlier.
    §  Moderate fat intake.
    §  Avoidance of fatty & spicy food to maximum.

    §  Controlling weight to normal BMI(16-24),BMI is calculated as weight in kg/height in square meter
    §  Reducing weight by  diet regulation & by regular exercises

   §  Regular brisk walking
   §  Regular physical activity that means to avoid sedentary life style
   §  Regular morning & evening walk for atleast one hour

   §  Stress reduction by keeping yourself tension free
   §  Yoga & meditation
   §  Avoidance of alcohol & smoking

   §  Self determination to regulate BP & to modify the life style
   §  Regular monitoring of BP
   §   If afford then can buy a BP apparatus to have your regular BP check up at home  
   §  To maintain a record book of regular BP check ups
   §  Regular follow-up with doctor & adherence to treatment regimens means regularly following the treatment

As hypertension is a life-long condition and if not treated at time can lead to many adverse effects such as heart attack so it is the individual self responsibility to have a control on it by changing his/her life style that means to have a control on diet, exercise, weight, smoking, alcohol and to follow the instructions given by physician. As one’s health is in his/her own hands so let’s not ruin it anymore be respectful to it and enjoy the healthy life as somebody says it correctly “HEALTH IS WEALTH.”


Hypertension is mainly a heart related problem. In a lay man language it is high blood pressure. It is the abnormal elevation (rising) of the blood pressure than normal. It is also called “SILENT KILLER” because the people having it are symptom free means before checking their blood pressure (B.P.) they were unaware of it because previously they were not having any sign of it, so it is very important to have your regular BP check-up. As soon as you come to know that you are having hypertension then it is very important to have your regular BP monitoring because it is a life- long condition. In medical language hypertension is defined as a systolic pressure greater than 140 mm hg and a diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm hg monitored over two consecutively BP Measurements  by a licensed health professional. It is very simple to understand that as our BP comprises of two values that one is upper value called systolic pressure and a lower value called diastolic pressure. The normal person’s BP is 120/70 mm hg means 120 mm hg is the systolic pressure and 70 mm hg is the diastolic pressure .A person is said to be hypertensive when his/her BP is greater than 140/90 mm hg of two regular readings taken by a health professional. Hypertension is the major health problem it accounts for 20-50% of all deaths. 
                                        CLASSIFICATION OF HYPERTENSION
 (mm hg)
(mm hg)
< 120
< 70 
Pre hypertension
Stage 1 hypertension
Stage 2 hypertension
Health education on hypertension
          Primary Hypertension: Primary hypertension is a type of Hypertension when the causes causes are generally not known & it is the main type of hypertension in people.
               Secondary Hypertension: Secondary hypertension is a type of Hypertension when it is due to some other diseases such as kidney problem etc.

These are the factors which aid in the development of hypertension means increasing the risk for causing this problem. These are categorise as “Modifiable”, means the factors which a person can modify or change to have normal BP & other one is “Non-modifiable”, which are not in the hands of a person to change them. These are described as:

Non-modifiable risk factors:
Ø  AGE: Normally BP rises with increasing age in both sexes but greater in those with higher initial BP that is the cause that elderly people have greater BP than the younger people because of some accumulated environmental & ageing influences.
Ø  SEX: In the early life there is no much difference in the BP of both sexes but at adolescence men having higher level of BP than women however in late life women having higher level of BP because of post-menopausal changes.
Ø  GENETIC FACTORS: Blood pressure levels are also inheritable as they can transfer from parents to children. Studies shows that children of two normotensive (having normal BP) parents having 3% chances of transferring it while two hypertensive parents having 45% chances of transferring it to their children.

Modifiable risk factors:
Ø  OBESITY: The main cause cum risk factor of hypertension is obesity that means having the weight more than normal. Many studies shows that as you lose your weight, BP also come down than previous one.
Ø  DIET: ØRegulation of BP also depends upon your diet. Taking less salt (< 2 gm per day)  in your diet can lead to decrease your BP. Take high fibre diet such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, salads etc. these fibres help in reducing plasma cholesterol level which is the main cause of high BP. Taking high potassium diet(banana) also helps in lowering BP as potassium antagonise (act against) the effect of sodium. Do not take too much oily & spicy food can also help in reducing BP level as these contain too much cholesterol.
Ø  SEDANTARY LIFE STYLE: Not doing physical activities such as those activities which do not require any physical energy can lead to high BP. Modern people in their daily life usually do mental work in their respected job areas but not any work which require .walking which is the main cause of high BP because it leads to fat accumulation (obesity) ultimately to hypertension.
Ø  ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Stress is the main environmental factor which lead to high BP because in stress there is more release of chemicals (nor epinephrine) in body which lead to high BP.
Ø ALCOHOL/SMOKING: Consumption of alcohol & smoking having increased risk of developing hypertension as these are vasoconstrictor means raising the pressure in arteries (blood carrying vessels) which lead to hypertension.
   To check various SIGN & SYMPTOMS OF HYPERTENSION Read our Next Article (CLICK HERE)
  By: Dr. Naina Sharma.