Showing posts with label CANCER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CANCER. Show all posts


As we all know that Prevention is better than cure, so everyone should be aware of the causes & prevention of skin cancer so that we can take effective measures to prevent themselves from skin cancer so one should follow the preventive measures which we have already discussed in the previous article. To read that one article you can CLICK HERE to get access to the previous articles.

The goal of treatment is to eradicate the tumor. The treatment of skin cancer depends upon the tumor location, involved cell type, depth, invasion, metastasis (spreading of the tumor to another organ) & cosmetic desire of the client. The treatment is of the following two types:
SURGICAL TREATMENT: The primary goal of surgical tSKIN CANCER TREATMENTreatment is to remove the tumor cell totally & also involves the some of the normal skin. In this the tumor is excised and the skin is sutured in layers to enhance the cosmetic appearance, if the tumor is large then grafting is done means skin graft is taken from another site & grafted there. Here are some of the surgical procedures which can be done to treat the skin cancer:
  • Mohs’ microscopic surgery: This type of surgical procedure is most accurate method of skin cancer treatment. In this procedure the tumor is removed layer by layer, first layer removes all the tumor skin & small margin of the normal appearing cell & then the cells are frozen & analysed microscopically to determine whether all the tumor cells are removed or not, if not removed then the further surrounding cells excision is done keeping in mind the cosmetic appearance.
  • Electro surgery: This type of surgical procedure is done for the tumor cells having diameter less than 2cm. in this the tumor tissue is destroyed by using the electric energy. The current is converted to heat which is then applied to the tumor tissue usually after scrapping the area with a curette. In this procedure healing occurs within one month.
  • Cryosurgery: In this type of surgical procedure the tumor tissue is destroyed by freezing it. A thermocouple needle is used & liquid nitrogen is used to destroy the tumor cells. The tumor tissue is frozen, allow to thaw & then refrozen again, in this way the tumor destruction takes place. In this procedure healing occurs within one to two months.
RADIATION THERAPY: In radiation therapy the high energy rays such as x-rays or the particles such as electron or protons are used to kill the tumor cells. This is a painless procedure but require frequent course of radiations. Radiation therapy is beneficial for the patients who are not fit for the surgery because of the poor health or it is used as a primary treatment for large tumors to reduce their surface area. Radiation therapy can be used before the surgery or after the surgery as an adjuvant to completely remove the tumor.
Stay Healthy………..Smile
We will continue with our Medical Health Education to aware the World regarding the various health problems….


UntitledAs our on-going topic is on medical education on Skin Cancer now in this post we are going to elaborate various risk factors along with sign and Symptoms for skin cancer. If you want to read our previous article on the “What is Skin Cancer” you can CLICK HERE to get the access.
These are the factors which increase the chances of skin cancer means they aggravate the existing or the occurrence of a disease. These risk factors may be environmental or hereditary. A person can change his/her life style to get rid of these risk factors. So here are some of the risk factors which increase the chances to get skin cancer:
FAIR SKIN PEOPLE: People having Fair skin, fair hairs, blue eyes are more prone to have skin cancer because these people have insufficient skin pigmentation to protect the underlying tissues from the harmful radiations & they get affected by ultraviolet radiations very easily & have skin cancer easily.
SUN EXPOSURE: The people who are having chronic sun exposure means the people who are exposed to sun since a long time such as in some type of occupations like farming, laboring etc. are more prone to have skin cancer.
CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS: Exposure of workers to some factory chemicals such as arsenic, nitrates, coal, tar, oils, paraffin etc increases the chances to get the skin cancer.
ELDERLY PEOPLE: Elderly people are prone to have skin cancer because they are having sun damaged skin due to prolong exposure to sun & due to ageing factors.
PREVIOUS X-RAY THERAPY: people who are having a history of previous x-ray therapy for acne treatment etc are at a increased risk to get skin cancer.
GENETIC FACTORS: People who are having first or second degree relatives with skin cancer they are also at an increased risk to have skin cancer because the cancerous gene can transfer from parents to children.
The features of skin cancer depends upon the different types of the cells which they involve so some of the features of skin cancer according to the cell or tissue involvement are here, which a person can identify only by seeing them:
Basal cell carcinoma usually begins as a small, waxy nodule with rolled, pearly borders & usually appears in the most sun exposed area. As these nodules grow they undergo crusting & these are usually not spread to surrounding structures.
Squamous cell carcinomas develop from the epidermis & are of greater concern because in these chances of metastasis are more. These are usually appear on sun damaged area but may be developed from the normal skin. These appear as rough, thickened, scaly tumor that may be symptom free or may involve bleeding. Therclip_image002e is more inflammation (swelling) at the borders of these tumors as compared to basal cell carcinoma & are also wider. Exposed area especially upper extremities, face, lower lip, ears, nose & forehead are common sites.
Malignant melanomas are characterized by brown, black mixed with gray, blue black or white circular lesions with irregular borders. The margins of the lesion may be flat or elevated. Some types of malignant melanomas are also spherical, blueberry shaped with a smooth, uniform surface. These can be described as a blood blister that fails to resolve. These types of melanomas invade the dermis so these are metastatic means spread from one site (organ) to another site & this is the reason that the cure rate of this type of skin cancer is very poor.
In our Next Medical Health Education article we are going to discussed Various Treatment Techniques to get rid of Skin Cancer. So we with us continuously and we will post very soon….


Skin Cancer PreventionSkin is the most important part of the body which acts as a protecting shield for body. Now as we are providing Medical education on Skin cancer in the last article we discussed about “What is Skin Cancer? And it’s Type”. If you wish to read that one article then CLICKS HERE. After that article, now we are going to share some important Health tips to take care of your skin and prevent your skin from major type of Cancer known as Skin Cancer. So here are some Basic Health caring tips to take care of your skin:Skin care
The most effective way to prevent your-self from skin cancer is to use sunscreen. These sunscreen creams or lotions provide a healthy shield to your skin and save it from skin tan, darkening caused by sun’s Ultraviolet (UVA) rays. These sunscreens protect our skin against all forms of UV damage, sunburn, premature ageing & skin cancer.
Use sunscreens of SPF (sun protection factor) which suits your skin. Sunscreens are rated according to SPF (Sun Protection Factor) & it is from SPF 4 (weakest) to SPF 50 (highest). The choice of SPF depends how long a person can stay in the sun without start reddening.
Before going outside always use a sunscreen to block harmful UV radiations.
Remember to apply the sunscreen to your body at least 30 minutes before going outside in the Sun.
Preferably use a water resistant sun screen.
Use a sunscreen of SPF more than 15 to protect yourself from both ultraviolet-A & ultraviolet-B radiations. SPF 15 sunscreen is mostly suitable to all skin types.
Reapply the sunscreen every 3 hourly if you are working for a prolonged period of time or you are sweating profusely to have the shielding effect for a prolonged time.
Use a lip balm of SPF 15 or more.
Avoid unnecessary exposure to sun, especially during the mid day when the ultra violet radiations are more intense that is from 11 am to 3 pm.
If your skin gets tanning & burning very easily then avoid too much skin exposure.
Always remember that ultraviolet rays can penetrate the loosely woven clothes so always use a sunscreen cream whenever, wherever you go out.
Always remember that ultraviolet radiations can penetrate clouds also so always use a sunscreen of appropriate SPF in cloudy weather also.
Always wear fully covered clothes that are full sleeves clothes, hat & sunglasses.
Awareness and prevention is the most important factor to save your family and yourself from such type of Health problems. So be careful and protect yourself from such type of cancers. We hope that you liked our initiation toward the Health awareness online to make each and every healthy. Umbrella



INTRODUCTION:  What is Skin Cancer?

What is Skin CancerSkin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the World. It mainly affects the labourers, road workers. Skin cancer mainly affects the skin of the face, neck & the other parts are mostly exposed to sun & the ultraviolet radiation. Awareness and quality medical education about skin cancer can prevent a person of having skin cancer. 

As skin cancer is easily detectable and is the most successfully treated type of cancer. Early diagnosis and skin cancer treatment can lead to preventing its metastatic (spreading to other organs) form. Extreme exposure to sun & ultraviolet radiations is the main & primarily cause of developing skin cancer.

Types of skin cancer depend upon the type of cells from where they have developed. Our skin is made up of different layers so the name & type of tumor is on the basis of the layer from where they have developed. Mainly there are three types of skin cancer which are further categories into different types. The different types & description of these types are as follows:
1). BENIGN SKIN TUMOR: These are the tumors that are localized only to the site where they develop means they don’t have the tendency to spread to nearby organs. These are as follows:
CYSTS: These are the types of tumors that are developed from the epithelium layer & are characterized by the cavities that contain fluid or solid material. These may also develop from the sebaceous (sweat) glands.
WARTS: This type of benign tumor caused by infection with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). These usually develop on the sole of foot or in the genital area & are sexually transmitted.
ANGIOMAS: These develop from the subcutaneous tissue of the skin. They are present at the time of birth as violet-red patches & later in volute with-in first year of life as port wine angiomas.
MOLES: These are yellowish brown to black in colour & are flat lesions that contain hair inside it. These can lead to malignancy so the removal in earlier stages is very important to prevent malignancy.
KELOIDS: These are the overgrowth of fibrous tissue at the site of a scar or trauma. These are more common in the dark skin people.
DERMATOFIBROMA: These are the benign tumors of the connective tissues & are mainly develop in the extremities. These are skin colured or bright pink in colour.
a). BASAL CELL CARCINOMA: It is the most common type of skin cancer & generally appear on the sun exposed area of people who are exposed to intense sun. It is small, waxy nodule mostly appear on face. It undergoes central ulceration & crusting as grows. The chances of metastasis are very low but the chances of re-occurrence are very high.
b). SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA: It is malignant type developed from the epidermis. It appears on the sun damaged area. It is metastasized by the blood or lymphatic system, this type of cancer is mainly responsible for cancer deaths.
3). MALIGNANT CELL TUMOR: In this type of cancer melanocytes are present in the dermis, epidermis or sometimes in the subcutaneous tissues. The main cause of the malignant tumors is ultra violet radiations. This type of cancer is more lethal than other types.
In the upcoming article on Medical education we will share various Health caring tips those will help you in preventing your Skin from Skin cancer. So Check out our Next upcoming article onMEDICAL HEALTH CARE TIPS TO PREVENT SKIN CANCER ” .


breast cancer We are going to gives you the Medical Health Education on Breast Self Examination. In this post, we will let you know how you can examine your breast to check that you have breast cancer or not. In our previous articles on Breast Cancer Education, we discussed what is breast Cancer and Various Risk Factors and Symptoms. We hope that you read out those articles as well but if you did not read those articles, we are suggesting you read those articles before reading this one. You can access those articles by CLICK HERE.

Breast self-examination (BSE) is a very helpful method to detect any breast abnormality if it is done on a regular basis. Detecting breast cancer at its earlier stages is very important to seek the medical treatment as soon as possible so the main thing is to detect it by oneself own efforts so in this article of Breast Cancer education we are telling you about how to do when to do and who can do. We also use the images with each step given below on breast self-examination for the proper understanding of the viewers.

Menstruating women: A regular menstruating woman should do this exercise after menses (that is day 5 to day 7, by counting the first day of menses as day 1).

Menopausal women: Women who have stopped menses known as Menopausal women. A menopausal woman should fix a date of every month and should do it on that date.

STEP(1)breast self examination

Stand in front of your mirror and observe for any discharge from the breast, any dimpling of the breast tissue.
Observe the both breasts carefully to observe the change in the shape, size & symmetry of the breast.
Look at the image shown with this step.


breast self examination
In this step you have to move your hands to the behind of your head and press your hands to front and then check for any change in the contour of your breast.
Also see for any change in the shape of your breasts from one another.
Take a look on the attaching image with this step for proper understanding.
breast self examination
In this step bow slightly towards the mirror and press your hands on your hips as you pull your shoulder & elbow forward.
Here note any change in the contour of your breast.
Saw the attaching image carefully for proper understanding of this position.
breast self examination
Raise your left arm. Then feel the left armpit with the flat parts of your right hand fingers in a circular motion then proceed feeling firstly to the outer edge of your breast then to the inner part towards nipple.
Pay more attention to the area between the armpit & breast. Feel for any unusual lump or masses in the breast tissue.
Repeat the same for right arm in the same fashion.

breast self examination
In this step lie down on your back with your left hand under your head & keep a pillow under your shoulder. Now repeat the above steps (step-4). Also repeat same for right arm. If you notice any lump or mass in the breast then consult a gynaecologist as early as possible.
By following the above steps you can detect any breast abnormality at early stages. Breast self-examination is very easy, economic & reliable method as one can do it on her own at her home setting &at any time. So it is very important to do this. That’s it about this technique for more related information on Medical Health Education continues your visit.
By: Dr. SL Sharma.


aaIn our previous article we discussed about What is Breast Cancer and it’s classifications. If you want to read that article on “What is Breast Cancer?” than you can CLICK HERE to have a look on that article. Now in this article of Medical Education on Cancer we are going to tell you various risk factors means the factors which increases the chances to have breast Cancer.
RISK FACTORS OF BREAST CANCER: Risk factors mean the factors which increase the chances to have the breast cancer. There are a variety of factors which can lead to breast cancer, these are as follows:
1). GENETIC FACTORS: These are the factors which are related to genes and are inheritable means they can be transferred from parents to their children. These are as follows:
  • GENETIC FACTORS: The BRCA1 & BRCA2 mutations are the main causes of inherited cases of the breast cancer cases.
  • FAMILY HISTORY OF BREAST CANCER: The chances to have breast cancer increases to two folds if a person having first degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) breast cancer & the chances to get this problem increased to five folds if the person having two first degree relatives.
  • FEMALE GENDER: 99% of the breast cancer cases occur in females as compared to males.
2). HORMONAL FACTORS: These are the factors that are directly related to the level of hormones in the body. These are as follows:
  • MENSTRUATION: The women who are having their menarche (starting of menstruation) at earlier age that is before 12 years if age & late menopause (cessation of menstrual cycle) that is after 55years of age are at a greater risk of developing breast cancer.
  • CHILD-BEARING FACTORS: The women who conceive after 30 years of age & the women who are not having any child including abortion are prone to have breast cancer.
  • HORMONAL THERAPY: The women using oral contraceptives continuously from last 10 years & use of hormonal therapy after menopause are at a risk to develop breast cancer.
3). ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: These are the factors that present in the environment:
  • EXPOSURE TO IONIZING RADIATION: The risk is more if a girl exposed to ionizing radiation during adolescent period because at this time the breast tissues are still developing and have a greater chances of mutations.
4). PERSONAL FACTORS: These factors are related to a person’s own life-style. These are as follows:
  • OBESITY: More weight that is overweight women are prone to have breast cancer because the fat tissue can increase the hormone (estrogen) production which is the main cause of developing breast cancer.
  • ALCOHOL INTAKE: Daily two or three drinks also increase the risk to develop breast cancer.

1. On physical self-examination a mass that is almost non-tender (painless), fixed not mobile, hard with irregular border is felt.
2. Discharge from nipple.
3. Breast pain associated with menstruation is also common in this.
4. Irregularity in the shape, size & symmetry of both breasts.
5. Breast skin dimpling.
6. Mammographic results shows abnormality in the anatomy (internal structure) of the breast.
breast cancer
These sign & symptoms may be confused with the normalcy of breast structure and sometimes may be ignored so it is very important to consult a doctor as soon as you notice any of these signs for confirmation and to have your mammography regularly.
Mammography is the best method to diagnose the breast cancer earlier. One should undergo mammography every 3 yearly, it is very important for the women in their 20s & 30s to undergo mammography every 3 yearly & yearly for elderly women.
Doing breast self examination is also an important method to prevent breast cancer chances. So in our next article we will tell you how one can do her breast examination by her own that is called Breast Self Examination (BSE). So have a watch on our articles on “Cancer Health Education”.
Wrote By: Dr. Naina Sharma.


                                WHAT IS BREAST CANCER?
INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is a major health problem in the people especially in the elderly women. It is the cancer of breast tissue which developed due to alteration in the genes. A cancer can be defined as the changes that take place in the genes which leads to uncontrolled proliferation (enhancement) of that tissue means too much immature tissue development is there. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develop from the inner milk ducts or the lobules that supply the milk. Various researches shows that breast cancer is more prevalent in developed countries than developing countries and more in the women of high socio economic status. Life expectancy rate depend upon the type, stage, Treatment & self adherence of the patient.

Be Aware: Breast cancer is a type of malignant tumor (can spread from one organ to another) of the breast tissue.

Breast cancer is of different types. The type of breast cancer depends upon the site of cancerous tissue whether it is in the ducts of breast or in the lobules. Mainly it is of following types:

Description of these types is as follow: 1). DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU (DCIS): DCIS is a type of cancer which is limited only to the milk ducts & not spreaded to the surrounding tissues that’s why it is called as “non-invasive cancer”. If it is diagnosed by Mammogram then it is consider as the cancer stage 0. If it is left untreated then it can lead to invasive cancer so early identification & treatment is very much important. 2). INVASIVE CARCINOMA (CANCER): When the caner spread to the surrounding breast tissue then it is called invasive cancer. Depending upon the site of invasion it is of following types:
  • INFILTRATING DUCTAL CARCINOMA: This is the most common type of invasive cancer accounting for approximately for 80% cases. This type of cancer firstly starts in the ducts of the breast then spread to the surrounding tissues. They form a solid irregular mass in the breast.
  • INFILTRATING LOBULAR CARCINOMA: This type of cancer accounts for 10-15% of cases. This type of breast cancer starts in the milk producing glands & then invades the surrounding tissues. This type of cancer that arises as ill defined thickening in the breast.
  • MEDULLARY CARCINOMA: This type of cancer accounts for 5% of breast cancer & arises from the capsule inside the ducts then invades the surrounding tissues.
  • MUCINOUS CARCINOMA: This type accounts for 3% breast cancer cases & mostly occurs in the elderly women. This grows from the mucin producing cancer cells & is slow growing that’s why its prognosis is good.
  • TUBULAR DUCTAL CARCINOMA: This type of cancer accounts for 2% of breast cancer cases & the prognosis of this type is excellent because the chances of invasion are very less.
  • INFLAMMATORY CARCINOMA: This is a peculiar type of breast cancer because the sign & symptoms are very unique. This type of breast cancer is very rare. This is characterized by edema (swelling) & brawny erythema resembling to orange peel. This is caused by the malignant cells blocking the lymph channels in the skin.
  • PAGET’SDISEASE: This accounts for 1% of cases. This is similar as ductal carcinoma of nipple but can invade to surrounding tissues. This is characterized by scaly, erythematous, pruritic (pus) lesions of the nipple.
In the Next Topic of our Health Education we will Post about Various Risk Factors related to the Skin Cancer. So continue your visit with us For a Healthy Life ahead..Red rose
Risk Factors And Symptoms Those Lead to Breast Cancer(CLICK HERE)