Showing posts with label HEALTH EDUCATION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH EDUCATION. Show all posts


UntitledAs our on-going topic is on medical education on Skin Cancer now in this post we are going to elaborate various risk factors along with sign and Symptoms for skin cancer. If you want to read our previous article on the “What is Skin Cancer” you can CLICK HERE to get the access.
These are the factors which increase the chances of skin cancer means they aggravate the existing or the occurrence of a disease. These risk factors may be environmental or hereditary. A person can change his/her life style to get rid of these risk factors. So here are some of the risk factors which increase the chances to get skin cancer:
FAIR SKIN PEOPLE: People having Fair skin, fair hairs, blue eyes are more prone to have skin cancer because these people have insufficient skin pigmentation to protect the underlying tissues from the harmful radiations & they get affected by ultraviolet radiations very easily & have skin cancer easily.
SUN EXPOSURE: The people who are having chronic sun exposure means the people who are exposed to sun since a long time such as in some type of occupations like farming, laboring etc. are more prone to have skin cancer.
CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS: Exposure of workers to some factory chemicals such as arsenic, nitrates, coal, tar, oils, paraffin etc increases the chances to get the skin cancer.
ELDERLY PEOPLE: Elderly people are prone to have skin cancer because they are having sun damaged skin due to prolong exposure to sun & due to ageing factors.
PREVIOUS X-RAY THERAPY: people who are having a history of previous x-ray therapy for acne treatment etc are at a increased risk to get skin cancer.
GENETIC FACTORS: People who are having first or second degree relatives with skin cancer they are also at an increased risk to have skin cancer because the cancerous gene can transfer from parents to children.
The features of skin cancer depends upon the different types of the cells which they involve so some of the features of skin cancer according to the cell or tissue involvement are here, which a person can identify only by seeing them:
Basal cell carcinoma usually begins as a small, waxy nodule with rolled, pearly borders & usually appears in the most sun exposed area. As these nodules grow they undergo crusting & these are usually not spread to surrounding structures.
Squamous cell carcinomas develop from the epidermis & are of greater concern because in these chances of metastasis are more. These are usually appear on sun damaged area but may be developed from the normal skin. These appear as rough, thickened, scaly tumor that may be symptom free or may involve bleeding. Therclip_image002e is more inflammation (swelling) at the borders of these tumors as compared to basal cell carcinoma & are also wider. Exposed area especially upper extremities, face, lower lip, ears, nose & forehead are common sites.
Malignant melanomas are characterized by brown, black mixed with gray, blue black or white circular lesions with irregular borders. The margins of the lesion may be flat or elevated. Some types of malignant melanomas are also spherical, blueberry shaped with a smooth, uniform surface. These can be described as a blood blister that fails to resolve. These types of melanomas invade the dermis so these are metastatic means spread from one site (organ) to another site & this is the reason that the cure rate of this type of skin cancer is very poor.
In our Next Medical Health Education article we are going to discussed Various Treatment Techniques to get rid of Skin Cancer. So we with us continuously and we will post very soon….


Skin Cancer PreventionSkin is the most important part of the body which acts as a protecting shield for body. Now as we are providing Medical education on Skin cancer in the last article we discussed about “What is Skin Cancer? And it’s Type”. If you wish to read that one article then CLICKS HERE. After that article, now we are going to share some important Health tips to take care of your skin and prevent your skin from major type of Cancer known as Skin Cancer. So here are some Basic Health caring tips to take care of your skin:Skin care
The most effective way to prevent your-self from skin cancer is to use sunscreen. These sunscreen creams or lotions provide a healthy shield to your skin and save it from skin tan, darkening caused by sun’s Ultraviolet (UVA) rays. These sunscreens protect our skin against all forms of UV damage, sunburn, premature ageing & skin cancer.
Use sunscreens of SPF (sun protection factor) which suits your skin. Sunscreens are rated according to SPF (Sun Protection Factor) & it is from SPF 4 (weakest) to SPF 50 (highest). The choice of SPF depends how long a person can stay in the sun without start reddening.
Before going outside always use a sunscreen to block harmful UV radiations.
Remember to apply the sunscreen to your body at least 30 minutes before going outside in the Sun.
Preferably use a water resistant sun screen.
Use a sunscreen of SPF more than 15 to protect yourself from both ultraviolet-A & ultraviolet-B radiations. SPF 15 sunscreen is mostly suitable to all skin types.
Reapply the sunscreen every 3 hourly if you are working for a prolonged period of time or you are sweating profusely to have the shielding effect for a prolonged time.
Use a lip balm of SPF 15 or more.
Avoid unnecessary exposure to sun, especially during the mid day when the ultra violet radiations are more intense that is from 11 am to 3 pm.
If your skin gets tanning & burning very easily then avoid too much skin exposure.
Always remember that ultraviolet rays can penetrate the loosely woven clothes so always use a sunscreen cream whenever, wherever you go out.
Always remember that ultraviolet radiations can penetrate clouds also so always use a sunscreen of appropriate SPF in cloudy weather also.
Always wear fully covered clothes that are full sleeves clothes, hat & sunglasses.
Awareness and prevention is the most important factor to save your family and yourself from such type of Health problems. So be careful and protect yourself from such type of cancers. We hope that you liked our initiation toward the Health awareness online to make each and every healthy. Umbrella


Medical Health Education on Eye Care Tips


The dry eye syndrome is a common condition, caused due to various lifestyle factors like air pollution, smoking, vehicular smoke, excessive use of gadgets like computers, iPods, mobiles, and the also use of air conditioners, heaters etc. Other factors like sedentary habits, excessive use of various cosmetics and chemicals can have an impact on the quality of our vision.

Hormonal changes are also a cause of the dry eye syndrome (DES); causing changes in tear production e.g. menopausal women are most often affected by dry eye. Older men are also affected by this problem. Nearly 50 percent of the population suffers from this problem. However, it is more prevalent among women and older individuals.
Eye care tips
What is Dry eye syndrome?
Sometimes people don't produce enough tears or the right quality of tears to keep their eyes healthy and moist. 
This condition is known as dry eye. In a normal eye there is a tear film in front of the cornea that lubricates, nourishes, and protects the eye from dust and other irritants. Spread by blinking (about every six seconds), it keeps the surface of the eye optically clear and smooth, and also protects from infection. 
This film has several layers of fluid viz. the lipid, or oil layer; the watery layer; and mucus layer and is not like ordinary water in its composition. 
All three layers of tears in human eyes are very necessary for the proper lubrication. The Persons with dry eye syndrome have tears that are mostly water and evaporate quickly, providing little protection to the eye.
Dry eyes are dry, irritated and uncomfortable eyes. Sometimes excess production of water from the lachrymal gland in dry eyes results in watery eyes.

Other symptoms include eye strain, sensitivity to light, headache, blurred vision, pain and foreign body sensation, itching in the eyes, red or burning eyes. Even repeated splashing of water in the eyes does not give any relief, instead, it worsens the condition.

People prone to DES may also find their eyes feel more uncomfortable after reading or watching television at a stretch. Constant eye strain can result in headaches or neck-ache, which may be the leading symptom.

If not treated early the dry eyes can progress to ulcer formation and opacity of the cornea resulting in permanent loss of vision.

Health Tips to prevent dry eyes:
Avoid direct blowing of air in eyes from hair dryers, car heaters, air conditioners or fans.
Add moisture to the air e g a humidifier can add moisture to indoor air.
While swimming wear wraparound glasses or eyeglass shields or swim goggles.
Take frequent breaks while reading some document or working on your PC (Personal Computer). Blink your eyes frequently.

Be aware of your environment. Air at high altitudes, desert areas and in the airplanes can be really dry. Close eyes repeatedly to minimise evaporation.

Position the computer screen below eye level. This will slow the evaporation of tears between eye blinks.

Stop smoking and avoid vehicular and other smoke.

Always Wear the sunglasses when you are outside to reduce the harmful exposure of sun, wind and dust to your eyes.

Do not use any eye drops meant for the normal eyes.

Avoid long term contact lens wear. Avoid surgery that involves making incisions in or removing tissue from the cornea i.e. laser correction of myopia, if you have dry eye problem.

Dry eye syndromeTreatment: Eye drops called artificial tears are used as substitute tears. If you need to use artificial tears more than every 2 hr, preservative-free brands may be better for you. These lubricate the eyes and help maintain moisture. 

The use of cyclosporine drops, work by stimulating tear production. It treats the underlying inflammation that's causing the problem, but only 25 percent to 30 percent of patients are benefited and cyclosporine doesn't work in every patient. 

Steroid eye drops may also be used occasionally. Surgical options include Lacrisert, a tiny insert filled with a lubricating ingredient (hydroxylpropyl cellulose) placed just inside the lower eyelid, where it constantly releases the lubrication. 

Another option is to close outlet channels temporarily with plugs to conserve your own tears and make artificial tears last longer. One more option is to permanently seal the opening of tear ducts by using heat cautery. Supplementary measures may include drinking more water to improve general hydration of the body, treating any inflammation of the lids and the measures mentioned under prevention.

Some individuals may find dry eye relief by supplementing their diet with Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found naturally in foods like oily fish (salmon, sardines, anchovies) and flax seeds.
That’s it about this Medical education on Dry eye syndrome. Take care of your eyes by using these precaution and prevention. If you do not take it seriously then you will lose your vision….Have a healthy and bright life ahead…. Red rose
Sources: News Paper and books.

WOMEN HEALTH EDUCATION ON MENOPAUSE - How homeopathy helps in menopause?

Medical Health Education on Women Health

How homeopathy helps in menopause?

Menopause Means when the Menses (period) of a Women Stopped suddenly…

Health education on MenopauseTHERE is often a fear in the minds of women about menopause. Many misconceptions are prevalent about this natural event in the life of a woman. It is important to understand what menopause is and why it happens. The literal meaning of the word is pause or cessation of menses. Menopause is a natural, physiological and perfectly normal event in a woman's life, so there is no need to worry because It is not a disease. It just signals the end of the fertile period in a woman. It usually happens in the early fifties to early sixties but some women may experience it earlier too.
The process: The ovaries contain millions of eggs at the time of birth. These eggs die as the age progresses. Only a fraction of these eggs remain when a woman reaches her fifties(50 Years). Moreover, the ovaries become resistant to the effect of the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), the hormone responsible for the occurrence of ovulation. The hormone oestrogen that is produced primarily by the ovaries has many roles in the functioning of blood vessels, the heart, the breasts and the uterus. At the time of menopause the ovaries stop the producing oestrogen. Reduction in the oestrogen levels in the body is responsible for a large number of symptoms that occur during and after menopause.

The most common symptoms are mood swings, hot flashes, palpitation and anxiety, bouts of perspiration, headache, sleeplessness and irritability. Most of these symptoms occur because of the deficiency of oestrogen. Oestrogen is known to protect the body from coronary artery disease and brain strokes. That is why the incidence of heart disease and brain stroke is less in premenopausal women as compared to men. After menopause this protection is lost and the incidence of these diseases increases in women manifold. Bone density is also reduced much faster after menopause in women vis-à-vis men of a similar age and osteoporosis becomes more common. Lining of the vaginal wall atrophies and the mucous production is reduced causing dryness in the vagina. This leads to pain during intercourse and also frequent infections.
Diet and supplement Soya products have been found to alleviate heat flashes and perspiration as it contains high levels of phytoestrogen, also known as 'plant oestrogen'. To pre-vent loss in bone density, calcium intake, whether in form of diet as found in milk and yoghurt, or as supplements, is helpful.

Role of homoeopathy
Homoeopathic medicines are made from highly-diluted natural substances. These do not contain any synthetic hormones and are perfectly safe for the treatment of symptoms associated with menopause. Homoeopathic medicines like Lachesis, Sepia, Sulphur and Pulsatilla are often used for the treatment of the symptoms being experienced by menopausal women. These medicines are highly effective in curing all problems that occur during the menopausal period. It is pertinent to mention here that all medicines mentioned above need the expert supervision of an experienced doctor and do not afford any chance of self medication.
For more article on various Health tips on women health as well as on Men health continue your visit with Tricky Health……
By: Dr. Harsh Sharma
Sources: News Paper and books.


INTRODUCTION: A common skin trouble that affects manySkin Diseases people is the sudden appearance of red rashes on the skin, which may occur totally unannounced and take one by surprise. The moment one feels some itching, one is inclined to scratch the part and immediately after scratching the part, red rashes or wheals appear on the skin. These rashes or wheals may itch or burn and may stay for some time after which they settle down. In medical parlance, this condition is known as urticaria. Urticaria or “hives” as known in English is derived from a Latin word “urtica” which means nettles though urticaria has nothing to do with nettles except that it causes itching and stinging as caused by the weeds of the nettle family.
  • Characterised by the development of red rashes that itch, burn and sting.
  • Urticaria can crop up on any area of the skin, including the face, arms, lips or eyes.
  • The red wheals may be small in size and separated from each other by areas of normal skin or may coalesce together to form a single large area of eruption.
1). ALLERGY: Usually, allergies are the cause of this trouble though it is difficult to pinpoint the exact allergen. Most of the time the offending allergen is too inconspicuous to be detected accurately. This makes it difficult to avoid the recurrence of this trouble as one does not come to know the source of the trouble.
2). ALLERGY TO FOOD ITEMS: Some people may be allergic to common articles of food as chocolates, nuts, wheat or milk.
3). EXPOSURE TO EXTREME OF TEMPERATURE: Other known causes of urticaria are exposure to cold, heat, sun, alcohol, drugs, exercise and emotional stress.
  • DERMOGRAPHISM: The urticaria caused by minor pressure or scratching of the skin is known as dermographism.
  • SOLAR URTICARIA: Some people get hives on going out in the sun known as solar urticaria.
  • COLD URTICARIA: Exposure to cold can also cause urticaria in some patients. In extreme cases of allergy, wheezing respiration and unconsciousness may accompany the skin symptoms.
  • CHOLINERGIC URTICARIA: It is another form of urticaria which is triggered by exercise, heat or emotions.

The swelling that is seen in the skin rashes is caused by the leakage of blood plasma out of the vessels into the extracellular space. This remains limited only to the superficial layer of the skin and is caused by histamine which is released from the mast cells. Besides allergic reactions certain chemicals in foods and drugs can also lead to the release of histamine.


1). More often than not, the rashes and the wheals sub-side on their own after some time but are quite distressing for the time they last. They come suddenly, last for a while and fade away on their own. Intense itching prompts one to scratch and often there is bleeding from the areas as the skin is peeled off by scratching. In some cases, scratching does not relieve the itching and may even cause more itching and may spread to the adjacent areas.

2). Applying coconut oil or Vaseline usually helps in relieving the itching and is the better course of action as compared to scratching with one’s nail which can expose the skin to further infection by bacteria and viruses.

3). Role of homoeopathy: The commonly used homoeopathic medicines for the treatment of urticaria are Apis, Natrum Mur, Mezereum, Dulcama-ra and Calcarea Carb. It is very important that the right medicine should be selected after a thorough study of the symptoms. Constitutional treatment with the right medicine is able to cure this trouble completely.

Continue your visit with Tricky Health. We are here to make a healthy World by sharing various Medical Education on very common diseases…Red rose
By: Dr. S.L Sharma.


Our Previous article was on Introduction to Hepatitis B vhealt education on hypatitis birus along with the Symptoms. If you want to read that article you can CLICK HERE to read that one where we explained the basic medical education on Hepatitis-B virus. Now in this segment of Medical Health education on Hepatitis B we are going to explain various modes of Infections for this Virus along with TIPS FOR PREVENTING INFECTION.

Modes of infection: There are following mode through which this infection can spread:
causes of hepatitis B
1). Hepatitis B and C spread through unsafe injection practices means using the same injections to multiple persons.
2). Unprotected sex relationship with an infected person.
3). Transfusion of infected blood to a healthy person.
4). Infection may also spread from mother to baby at birth.
5). Sharing a razor or toothbrush with a hepatitis-infected person also lead to the infection.
6). Getting body piercing or tattoo done with infected tools, and using needles that have already been used by a hepatitis-positive individual (such as for therapeutic injections or taking drugs) spread the infection.
But one cannot contract hepatitis B and C through sharing food or drinks with an infected person or through casual contact such as hugging, kissing, sneezing or coughing.
❚To avoid contracting or spreading the Hepatitis virus:
❚Never share needles
❚Do not share toothbrushes or razors
❚Do not get a tattoo or piercing done with tools that are not sterilised
❚Be vigilant about the use of fresh syringe and needles by the health care providers in all settings
❚Always use a condom during sex
❚Never forget to wear latex or plastic gloves (handbags) to avoid direct contact with blood of infected patients
❚Do not use the same syringe to medicate more than one patient.
❚Never recap needles
❚Do not access the bag with a syringe that has already been used to flush a patient’s IV or catheter
❚Do not use a shared medication vial with a used syringe to medicate another patient
❚Ensure that you and your staff are immunized against Hepatitis B
❚In case of accidental needle stick injury follow NACO guidelines on post exposure prophylaxis within 72 hours
Awareness is the most important thing to cure yourself from these type of dangerous viruses. That’s why we are here to provide you medical health education and health caring tips on various topics. So be aware about these health tips and live a health and fit life ahead.


The hepatitis B virus, 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV, kills over 6 lakh people every year worldwide. The incidence among the Indian population may be about 2-5 percent, according to WHO. Creating awareness against the deadly virus is the only solution.
Introduction: LIVER diseases do not get as much media space as cancer and heart ailments, but they are equally menacing and deadly. The most important of these is hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, which is caused by a viral infection. 

Hepatitis is of five types: A, B, C, D and E. While hepatitis A and E are caused by the consumption of contaminated food and water, hepatitis B, C and D most commonly occur due to contact with infected body fluids like blood and semen, and contaminated injections. 

Hepatitis B and C can lead to chronic (long-term) diseases such as liver cancer and liver cirrhosis. Liver cancer is almost always fatal, with most patients in developing countries dying within a few months of diagnosis. Liver cirrhosis patients are sometimes given liver transplants, with mixed success.
health education on Hepatitis b
                                                The deadly killer
Hepatitis B is the most dangerous type of viral hepatitis. About 2 billion people are estimated to be infected with it. The incidence among the Indian population may be about 2-5 per cent, according to WHO. When infected with hepatitis B virus, about 80 per cent of the people do not show any symptoms during the short term (acute) phase. Since they remain unaware of the ailment, it is easy for them to transmit the virus to others. So be aware of it to make your and other life healthy and fit.
Sign And Symptoms:
The symptoms, if these occur, include jaundice, dark urine, vomiting and stomach pain.
Treatment: There is no specific treatment for acute hepatitis B and most patients recover after a few weeks without any medication. Sometimes, the hepatitis B virus may reside in a patient’s body for years (chronic phase) and damage the liver by causing serious life-threatening diseases. Blood tests can diagnose people with hepatitis B and distinguish between acute and chronic infections. Age is an important factor in determining if hepatitis B will remain acute (run for a few weeks) or turn chronic (life-long). The lower the age of a person getting infected with hepatitis B, the higher are the chances of the infection turning chronic. Young children infected with hepatitis B are the most likely to develop chronic infection. About one-fourth of adults, who get chronically infected during childhood, succumb to liver cancer or cirrhosis later. That is why it is extremely important to protect children from hepatitis B infection. This can be done through vaccination.
About 15 crore people in the world are infected with Hepatitis C, around 3.5 lakh of whom die every year to complications related to the virus, according to WHO.
Unfortunately at this time there is no preventive vaccine for hepatitis C currently available. It is curable using anti-viral drugs but the treatment is very expensive, much beyond the capacity of most patients in developing countries. So awareness with your Health and Fitness can save you from such viruses