What Does It Mean to Have an Anxiety Disorder? Treatments Related to Anxiety Disorder

What Does It Mean to Have an Anxiety Disorder?

If you have an anxiety disorder, you probably already know that something isn't quite right. Anxiety attacks come on suddenly and leave you feeling helpless. If you have wondered whether or not you should seek anxiety therapy or another form of anxiety treatment, here is some information you should know.

What Is a Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
The most common type of anxiety disorder is called a generalized anxiety disorder. Nearly 7 million American adults suffer from this condition, and women are more susceptible to it than men. So how can you know if this condition is what is bothering you?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which is commonly known as GAD Disorder, causes the individual to feel extreme worry and tension all day long, even with no apparent reason. Everything that could potentially go wrong becomes an instant worry, from possible physical problems to supposed relationship problems at home. When this level of worry lasts for six months or longer, it indicates that there is a need for anxiety medication or treatment.

People with GAD Disorder often suffer from anxiety attacks. These are periods where physical symptoms come on suddenly to accompany the worry and tension the individual is holding inside. These physical symptoms will usually interfere with everyday living.
1.    Difficulty swallowing or breathing,
2.    An increased heart rate, trembling,
3.    Hot flashes accompanied by sweating can all be symptoms of anxiety attacks.
anxiety Disorder treatment

Weight Loss Tips for Everyone

Weight Loss Tips for Everyone

Losing weight is a great goal. If you are able to lose weight, not only will you look better, but you will also feel better. A healthy weight is important to your overall well-being and health. Overweight people are prone to serious diseases, including heart conditions and diabetes. However, while weight loss may be a great goal to have, finding quick weight loss tips that work is not so easy. You can search for weight loss tips online for months without finding anything you can truly use to succeed in reaching your goal. The key to success is finding healthy weight loss tips that will allow you to reach your goal one pound at a time.
weight loss tips

The Healthy Way to Lose Weight

1.   So what is the truly healthy way to lose weight? Whether you are looking for teen weight loss advice or women's weight loss tips, one fact remains the same. There is a healthy way to lose weight and an unhealthy way to lose weight.

2.   Healthy weight loss happens steadily. That does not mean that it cannot happen fairly quickly, but drastic, sudden weight loss is not healthy. Look for healthy weight loss tips that will help you lose weight at a rate of about one to two pounds per week. This is not extremely fast, but the weight that is lost in a healthy manner is kept off much more effectively.

3.   Diet tips that help you lose weight by fixing your food intake and increasing your exercise are the best ones to follow. If you choose to use a commercial program to help you lose weight, you need to find a program that incorporates a balanced diet with increased exercise. All natural weight loss tips that you will find will incorporate these two items.

4.   Focus on What Caused Your Weight Problem. Another way to find effective weight loss tips is to focus on what caused your weight problem in the first place. Sure, you can blame pregnancy, medications, or other life changes, but what really caused you to gain weight?

Did you overeat?

Did you eat to soothe your emotions?

Did you suddenly cut down your level of physical activity due to a career change or some other life factor?

Did the quality of the food you are eating change?

Depression - Guide to mental wellness

Depression Warning Signs
The normal problems of life mean that everyone suffers sadness or has "the blues" from time to time. But if loneliness and anguish have taken a toll on your life, you may have depression. Depression makes it difficult to justify and live life like you once did. Just getting through the day can be enormous. But no matter how dejected you feel, you can recover. Knowing the symptoms causes, and treatment of depression is the foremost step to cure the problem.

What is depression?
Sadness or deterioration in mood is common results to life’s battles, misfortunes, and setbacks. Many people prefer the word “depression” to these kinds of signs, but depression is much more than just sadness.

Whatever the symptoms, depression is varied from normal sadness in that it encircles your day-to-day life, disturbing your ability to work, study, eat, sleep, and have fun. The feelings of misery, sadness, and uselessness are acute and unyielding.

Are you depressed?
If you relate yourself with many of the following symptoms and they just won’t go away, you may be suffering from depression.

·    you feel hopeless about life and things in general
·    you’ve lost interest in activities you used to enjoy before
·    you feel tired and lethargic all the time
·    your sleeping pattern and food habits have drastically changed
·    you can’t concentrate on a given task no matter how hard you try
·    You can’t curb your negative thoughts and feeling of hopelessness
·    you are much more short-tempered and aggressive than you usually used to be
·    Consumption of alcohol more than normal quantity or engaging in other unproductive behavior



A disorder first explained in 1965 is a sleep disruption in which the person stops breathing for at least 10 seconds each hour during sleep. The occurrence of halts in breathing is called apneas, which literally means "without breath". 

An apnea is a period during which breathing either terminates or is notably reduced. It is caused by winding down the throat muscles; the soft tissue at the back of the throat subsides and closes, resulting in choked airways. Several types of sleep apnea prevail, but the most familiar type is “obstructive sleep apnea”. 

The most distinguishable sign of obstructive sleep apnea is snoring. Anyone can develop obstructive sleep apnea, although it mostly affects middle-aged and older adults and people who are obese.

obstructive sleep apnea
What are the symptoms and signs of sleep apnea?
A symptom is something the patient experiences and reveals, while a sign is something other people, such as the medical practitioner recognize. For example, an ache may be a symptom while a rash may be a sign.

1) Patients may feel exceedingly sleepy during the day, sleep is discomposed, there is customarily snoring which may be noisy, during sleep there will also be periods of silence where no breathing exists and then gasps.

2) Less frequently, the sick person may maybe distressed from insomnia, morning headaches, moodiness and anxiety, poor concentration, irritability, and depression.

3) Blood pressure time and again advance (hypertension), weight may scale-up, increased urination and waking up at night to urinate (nocturia).

4) Some sufferers complain of heartburn.

5) A remarkable number of patients wake up during the night with a dry mouth/throat.

6) Uncontrolled daytime drowsiness.

7) Morning headaches.

8) Weakened emotional or psychological functioning.



Written By: WWW.TrickyHealth.Com


Swine flu prevention is more important than treatment.

swine flu prevention
Swine flu is a respiratory infection caused by the viruses named as influenza viruses and this virus infects the respiratory tract of the pigs and produces the same symptoms like human influenza viruses such as sneezing, coughing, fever etc. transmission of the virus from pigs to humans is not common but the persons who are in regular exposure to pigs are at a high risk to develop swine flu and it is called zoonotic swine flu

Actually, there are three genera of influenza viruses that are influenza a, b and c. 

In pigs influenza is common and the c is rare while influenza b is common in birds and the main thing is all of these three genera produce the flu in humans. 

Swine influenza is caused by influenza a subtypes that are H1N1, H1N2, H2N3, H3N1 & H3N2. These subtypes are reported at the different time periods.

The incubation period of swine flu virus is two to three days means the symptoms started to appear after two to three days after you got exposed to the virus. Swine Flu symptoms are as follow:

1. High grade fever

2. Sore throat

3. Body ache

4. Headache

5. Vomiting

6. Diarrhea

7. Runny nose

8. Chills

9. Fatigue

Before diagnosed we should know the history of this Swine Flu Virus. Below we discuss all the things related to the History of Swine flu and how it will be diagnosed.

History of Swine Flu: Swine flu is diagnosed by taking the history whether the person came in the contact of other people who is having the above symptoms and the person also develops the same symptoms.

Nasopharyngeal swab test: In this test, the sample of your nose or throat secretions are collected by a sterile swab stick and then these secretions are diagnosed for the influenza virus. This test can be positive or negative if it is positive it can be positive for influenza subtypes A & B as we told you previously in this article. If it is positive for type B then the person is not having swine flu infection but if it is positive for type A then the person is having swine flu.

PCR technology: This test is done by the specialized doctors in the specialized laboratories.  In this the swine flu is diagnosed by identifying the particular antigens that are surface proteins associated with the virus subtypes.

The treatment for swine flu is supportive. It consists of:
  • Bed rest
  • Isolation
  • Increased fluid consumption
  • Antipyretics (to decrease the body temperature)
  • Cough suppressants
  • Analgesics to relieve pain due to body ache, headache & fatigue

Swine flu is a viral infection so it is treated by the antiviral drugs. The main anti-viral drugs are oseltamivir(tamiflu) and zanamivir (relenza). Tamiflu is an oral drug while the zanamivir is given by inhalation. Tamiflu should be given within two days while a person develops symptoms to treat the flu symptoms. This medicine helps to prevent the fatal effects of swine flu.

Swine Flu Vaccine: One vaccine called the vaxigrip is also used to prevent the swine flu. Swin Flu Vaccine is easily available at various Medical Shops.

Ventilator support: some of the patients develop the severe effects of swine flu which are respiratory discomfort, pneumonia so they are put on ventilators which give the respiratory support to the patient.

Antibiotics: as patients develop the other infections (pneumonia) so the antibiotics are given to them to treat the infections.

In the Next Article we will Share the Various Health care tips to take care of yourself from wine Flu. We share various Prevention of Swine Flu Virus which can really very effective to save a life. So Stay in Touch with us.


Home Remedies To Cure Low Blood Pressure

What Is Low Blood Pressure?

A continuous low blood pressure chome remedies for low blood pressurean be life threatening. Most of the people suffer from the low blood pressure. This is the most common problem among the elderly people. In medical terms it is called hypotension and is defined the blood pressure reading of 90 millimetres of mercury or less during systole and 60mm of mercury or less during diastole in continuous two readings by a health professional. Severe low blood pressure can be fatal as compared to the high blood pressure. When blood pressure is low the heart fails to pump the blood smoothly as a result of which brain fails to get adequate blood supply and cause fainting and all the organs fail to work properly in the absence of proper blood supply which leads to life threatening effects.
· Dizziness
· Vomiting sensation
· Fainting
· Light headache
· Dizziness when standing
Low blood pressure can be caused by many conditions which can be internal (bodily) or external (environment). These are:
1). Dehydration that can be because of :
· diarrhoea
· vomiting
· excessive exercises
· excessive sweating
· severe blood loss during any trauma
2).  Heart problems such as:
· Weak heart muscles
· Inflammation of heart muscles (pericarditis)
3).  Endocrine problems
4). Lack of nutrients in diet
5). Medications
6). Pregnancy.
Depending on the reason for low blood pressure, you can take certain preventive steps to avoid the symptoms and can use some home remedies to get rid of the symptoms.

Home Health Care tips to avoid low blood pressure

1). Add more Salt in your diet

Salt helps in maintaining your blood pressure. If you are complaining of low blood pressure continuously then add extra salt to your diet. You can also increase your salt intake by adding the salt to salad or your drinking water etc. If you are constantly having low blood pressure then you should mix half tea spoon of salt in a glass of water and then take it twice a day. Include more salt or salty foods in your diet. Salt helps to increase the blood pressure.

2). Honey
As the dizziness and headache are the first symptom of low blood sugar so as soon as you feel these symptoms then mix two tea spoons of honey and a pinch of salt in a glass of water and drink it for the immediate relief. The mixture of honey and salt helps in getting immediate relief from the low blood pressure.
3). Almond oil
Almond oil is an effective home remedy to treat the low blood pressure. Take a glass of milk and add two tea spoons of almond oil into it and then drink it every morning. You can also take grinded almonds mixed in a glass of milk. Take this every morning. This will help in increasing your low blood pressure.
4) Pomegranate
This is a traditionally used home remedy to cure low blood pressure. You can eat it as a fruit; can be used as salad or in the juice form as you want. Take it regularly for the better results.
5). Caffeinated drinks
To cure low blood pressure you can also opt for coffee as it is having a vaso constrictor effect and help in raising the low blood pressure. Take one to two cup of dark coffee to maintain the blood pressure.
6). Increase Water consumption
Sometimes in some people Dehydration (deficiency of water in body) is the main cause of low blood pressure so to avoid low blood pressure because of dehydration you should consume at least 8-10 glass of water. You can also fulfil water requirement in the body by the intake of water in the form of juices.
7). Beetroot
The raw juice of beet-root is extremely helpful in increasing the low blood pressure can be cured by the regular intake of a cup of raw beet-root juice twice a day. Try this remedy for one week and see the results.
8). Holy Basil Leaves
This is a traditional and effective home remedy to cure low blood pressure. Crush 10-15 leaves of holy basil or Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) and then squeeze the juice of the leaves and mix this juice with one teaspoon of honey and take it regularly in the empty stomach every morning.
9). Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol is also a main cause of low blood pressure in the alcoholic persons because alcohol cause dehydration to the body and dehydration leads to low blood pressure. Avoid alcohol consumption and JUST TAKE OTHER FLUIDS LIKE WATER AT THE PLACE OF THIS and have normal blood pressure.
10). Slowly rise from one position to other
Sudden changes in body position may cause dizziness in people with low blood pressure. As you get up in the morning then get up by taking side and sit for two minutes before standing. This will help in preventing the dizziness by improving the blood circulation to the heart.
11). Have a Healthy and adequate Diet
A balanced diet can be helpful in getting rid of low blood pressure. Make sure that your body is getting all the required nutrients. Lack of proper nutrients can cause low blood pressure. Have a diet that contains whole grains, fruits, lean chicken, fish and vegetables and decrease the intake of carbohydrate rich food such as rice, potato, bread, pasta etc.
12). Have frequent Meals
After having a heavy meal there can be chances of postparandial low blood pressure so to avoid these take small frequent meals instead of having three large meals. After the meals more blood is circulated to gastrointestinal tract this will result in reduced blood supply to the heart and the brain causing dizziness.


stress reducation tips
Stress is a state produced by a change in the environment that is perceived as challenging, threatening or damaging to a person’s equilibrium state. The person found him/herself unable or hopeless to meet the new demands of the environment and ultimately feel the stress.  The environmental changes that evoke this stress state are called stressors some people adapt to these stressors by changing their behavior. Below in this article, we are going to explain various health care tips to reduce the stress from your life.


ü  Restlessness

ü  Dry mouth

ü  Fatigue

ü  Loss of interest in life activities

ü  Intense periods of anxiety

ü  Hyperactivity

ü  Palpitations

ü  Headache

ü  Difficulty sleeping

ü  Concentration difficulty


There are many ways for the reduction of stress, some of them we are going to explain below. Read this article very carefully and get rid of your stress with ease.  
1.  Regular Exercise: Physical activity plays a vital role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. One needs to give the time of around 30 minutes from the busy schedule for physical activities to get relief from stress. A regular morning walk is very beneficial to remain fit and healthy.

2.     Healthy Diet: Well-nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress. So we should start our day right with breakfast and balanced nutritious meals throughout the day.

3.     Yoga: Light yoga with deep breathing techniques along with meditation works a lot in reducing stress. Because of stress, our body releases hormones like cortisol and norepinephrine which increases our heartbeat, blood pressure and then ultimately the brain’s activity. As a result, the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for physical relaxation and emotional calm becomes overwhelmed by this sympathetic response. So one should opt for yoga to relieve stress.

4.     Adequate sleep: Life seems to be moving at a very fast pace for everyone these days. A hectic and busy life makes us tired and will increase our stress. So proper sleep is a must.

5.     Listen to music:  It’s a very simple way to reduce stress by listening to your favorite and soft music when you feel stressed.

6.     Aroma Therapy : Stress and anxiety are on the rise in modern society as lifestyles are increasing along with the pressure in the workplace . Aroma therapy is a very good way to relieve stress .Use of essential plant and flower extracts stimulate, balance, soothe and calm our body. Aromas like lavender are very helpful to reduce stress levels.

7.     Reduce caffeine and sugar : By reducing the amount of coffee , sugar in our diet , we’ll feel more relaxed and sleep better. As these all are CNS stimulant and keep our brain stimulant and because of this our brain as well as our body enables to sleep. So if you want to keep yourself relax then you should avoid these especially at night time.

8.     Laughter:  A very common technique which reduces the physical effects of stress is laughter. As we all know laughter is the best medicine and best of all, this priceless medicine is free and easy to use.

9. Do Something joyful:  One should spare time for leisure activities that bring joy to you like swimming, playing, gossiping with others .keeping yourself busy is the most helpful tip to get rid of stress.

10. Get a massage: Using massage is a very old natural and safe way of relaxation as our body parts are massaged and feel relieved from stressful work. It relaxes our muscles by releasing endorphins to reduce stress and pain. It plays a significant role in the reduction of cortisol which is the main stress hormone.
There 10 health tips to reduce stress is very beneficial . Implement these health tips in your daily life and these tips will lead you towards a happy life.