How to Remove Stretch Marks on your Body - 9 Tips to Remove Stretch Marks Within 2 Weeks Naturally

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks in your Body

Tips Remove Stretch Marks Within 2 Weeks Naturally

Shared By: Tricky Health

The term stretch marks also known as 'Striae Atrophicae' by the dermatologists. The Starch Marks in the human body is mainly triggered due to the sudden growth in body weight. When the weight of the human body increases, the skin also needs to enlarge but the skin has restricted elasticity. When this bodyweight growth goes beyond the elasticity, we can see some white or silver-colored fine lines on the surface of the body.

These fine lines on the human body is called stretch marks or the striae. Among the females, the starch marks mostly occur due to hormonal changes, pregnancy, and puberty. In the case of men, the main reasons for the starch marks are sudden weight gain and excessive workouts at the fitness centre.

Many of us want to remove these fine lines on our body so we have decided to share some Home remedies to remove starch marks within 2-3 Weeks. Try to implement these Home care tips to remove fine lines(Starch Marks) on your body.

How to remove Stretch Marks

Here are some tips that need to be considered in order to remove these unwanted lines on your body naturally within 2 to 3 weeks:

By Intaking More Zinc Enriched Food Items : One who have starch marks on his/her body one must eat those foods which are rich in zinc. It benefits a lot in the formation of new skin tissues.

Some of the items that are rich in zinc enlist oysters, shellfish, wheat germ, bran cereals, pine nuts and pecan nuts. Try to eat these type of food items which are enriched with Zinc Substance on regular basis up to 2-3 weeks.

Vitamin E: This method is used to cure all types of skin issues. You can massage the affected area with vitamin E oil. Also you can have diet that is rich in this nutrient.

Some of the items include sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, hazelnuts, almonds, mayonnaise, peanuts, popcorn, etc. are enriched with Vitamin E. Try to introduce these food items in your regular eating routine up to 2-3 weeks to remove starch marks on your body.

Vitamin A & CVitamin A helps in strengthening the skin tissues and vitamin C add glow to the newly formed cells. Together they make a perfect diet to cure stretch marks.

The Food list which are enriched with Vitamin A and C includes carrots, citrus fruits, milk, potatoes, mangoes, etc. Try to introduce these types of food items in your regular diet.

Castor oil: You have to apply a thick layer of castor oil on the affected body part and tie it with a plastic sheet. After that you have apply heat on it for 20 to 40 minutes using a hot water bottle or the heating pad.

The one who have Starch Marks on his/her body must to do it once in a day for at least 7 days continuously.

Aloe vera: Aloe Vera gel has many benefits. This Gel also help in removing starch marks on human body.

Blend aloe vera gel or butter with vitamin E oil and olive oil. Apply this mixture once or twice a day regularly up to 2-3 weeks to remove starch marks.

Cocoa butter: The one who have starch marks can also massage the affected area on the body at least once in a day with cocoa butter. This is conventional and perhaps the most recommended home care tip to get rid of the striae within 2-3 weeks.

Shea butter: It is used just like the cocoa butter and is certainly worth a try to remove starch marks. It has no side effects and shows assured results within one or two weeks.

Water: Drinking more water in a day helps in maintaining the necessary moisture of the skin. You must have at least 10 glasses of water per day.

Stretch mark creams: You can apply natural creams and lotions that comprise of all the above-mentioned ingredients. One of the most popular stretch mark removal cream is  Captiva. 

This cream is one of the most effective anti-stretch marks creams that contain all the above ingredients. This ointment has marvelous nourishing and healing properties. It can effortlessly repair your damaged skin by exciting the production of collagen and elastin in your dermis.

Try these methods to remove starch marks on your body. Easy Home remedies to remove stretch marks easily in a natural way. Thank you for reading this tricky Health Article. We will share more information related to Health Care tips with your readers on a regular basis. Do subscribe to our page. Eat Healthy and Stay Fit always.

7 Anti Aging Foods - How to slow down aging process

7 Anti Aging Foods

How to slow down aging process

Shared By: Tricky Health

We may say that anti-aging is one of the most terrifying things to all men on earth. Indications of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, dullness, and lifeless skin do scare the hell out not only women but also men.

Moreover, the risks of having diseases which are automatically related to the aging factor will be increased. Luckily, we can slow down the aging progression by altering our eating habits. For that, we can eat healthier diets containing many assortments of antioxidants.

This Health care article is all about what you have to eat to slow down your aging effects in your body. Some essential Food which is very valuable in slowing down aging.

Let’s take a look at the Best Anti Aging Foods
ü Avocados
The first name which we want to include in this list of top superfoods for fighting aging is a juicy fruit named avocado. Avocado is one of the best anti-aging food which helps you in a lot of ways.
The reason why avocado is well known is its tasty gooey flesh that can make many delicious dishes and its super healthy benefits, especially the slowing down aging abilities.
How it helps in slowing down Aging: Bursting with the high amounts of vitamins A, avocados can remove dead cells and replace them with new ones. As a result, your skin will be nourished.
As well as Avocados also contains essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and biotin which are really good for your skin, nails, and hair. Therefore, consuming more avocados in a day is a simple way to help you have a younger look.
ü Blueberries
In addition to treating some other skin problems, such as blemishes removal, blueberries are one of the most effective treatments to help fight aging. Blueberry is a nutrition-packed food that can restrain the aging process.

How this food help: The key in this food for the aging issue is a kind of antioxidants in Blueberries which are called flavonoids. Flavonoids can neutralize free radicals in the human body, so your skin will be supported to be healthier and more youthful.
This food also contains anthocyanins and vitamin C which can reduce cellular aging. In addition, these brilliant berries can also enhancement/boost memory, which is very beneficial for those who are at risk of functional impairment due to the aging factor.
ü Spinach
In addition to the above top healthy eating for fighting aging, spinach is obviously a great choice. Being rich in antioxidants, spinach can help reduce the risks of having diseases which are related to aging issues, which are including vision conditions and bone degeneration.

Otherwise, the high levels of important nutrients can bring to your body many benefits against aging.
For example, vitamin A contents in spinach have skin moisturizing abilities. Plus, spinach is really rich in natural fibre so that your system can pull toxins out of the body.
As a result, spinach is considered as an excellent blood purifier. Because of all these vital composites, spinach is unconditionally a superfood that can impede premature aging and stay away from these dangerous diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.
ü Raspberries
Just like blueberries and other berries such as blackberries, mulberries, and cranberries, raspberries are also on your back to deal with aging.
This red fruit is busted with high levels of vitamin C, ellagic acid, and flavonoids that can slow down the dying process of the body’s cells. In addition, the high amounts of antioxidants in the super berries will support you to stay away from harmful bacteria.
ü Guava
You may surprise that guava fruit is a mind-blowing pack of vitamin C. The level of vitamin C loading in guava is 6 times more than this amount in orange.
This dazzling vitamin is very famous for its skin supportive potentials. If you have an intaking high amount of vitamin C, your skin appearance will be boosted wonderfully because it helps the collagen production. Consuming more guava in your daily diet is a really good way to fight aging.
ü Tomatoes
It would be a big blunder if we did not remark tomatoes among the top healthy eating for fighting aging. Being enriched with lycopene, vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants, this beautiful red fruit is an excellent natural treatment for anti-aging.
As a lot of you know, sunlight contains lots of really harmful UV radiation, which is one of the most common reasons for aging. Luckily, we already have tomatoes as a natural sunblock that can strengthen your skin so that all the UV radiation be less harmful.
As a result, adding this fruit to your diet for better health and looks, which do not have sun spots, dryness, fine lines, and wrinkles. Furthermore, tomatoes can control cholesterol levels so that it can protect you from having a heart or even other cancers.
Drink a cup of tomato juice every single day is really a tasty and healthy choice for your skin and your body system.
ü Salmon
Last but not least, salmon it is a Best Foods for Anti-Aging Skin, which is a non-veggie element, is listed as a choice for changing eating habits for fighting aging effects.

Like any other oily fish such as tuna and sardines, salmon is very famous for its high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are really good at controlling cholesterol level in the arteries, protecting against abnormal heart rhythms, thereby, they can delay the aging process.
In addition, salmon contains high contents of anti-inflammations and protein so that you can stay away from blemishes, acne breakouts.

If every one of us has a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating than no diseases will harm us. Healthy eating leads to good immunity in the body which leads to a fit body. 

So eat healthily and stay fit always. Thank you for reading this Tricky Health article. We will share more with your readers so follow us @TrickyHealth on Instagram.

5 Natural Home Remedies For Migraine Headaches - Instant Migraine Relief at Home

Natural Home Remedies For Migraine Headaches

Instant Migraine Relief at Home

Shared By: Tricky Health

Today we are going to share some natural remedies for instant migraine relief at home. Natural Home remedies for migraine headaches are very easy to find these days over the Internet. Whether you are looking for a herb, supplement, or technique, you should not have to look far for that information. In this tricky health article, we are going to discuss 5 instant migraine relief home remedies.

If you suffer from the endless pain and aggravation from headaches, you will be able to find some relief by simply trying out some of these easy to follow health tips related to natural home remedies for headaches.

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Instant Migraine Relief at Home

5 Very easy to find and implement migraine headache Home remedies.

1). Feverfew(Tanacetum parthenium): Feverfew is a root that comes from all over the world and can be found in most health food stores. This herb acts to aid in the prevention of headaches by helping to keep the blood vessels in the head from becoming inflamed. This is one of the best migraine headache treatment at home by simply intake the feverfew.

Apart from treating headache migraines, feverfew can have other probable health profits such as Anticancer effects in the feverfew. They also have the Pain relief property in them. The Anti-inflammatory properties of feverfew may help relieve pain.

Health Note: Feverfew is not meant to stop an active migraine headache, but when taken daily it is believed that it helps to stop the migraine attacks from happening.

2). Peppermint Oil: In addition, the peppermint oil having many uses in food, candy, and teas, this peppermint oil is also effective in treating headaches at home. By simply massaging some of the oil into the back of the neck, head, and jaw areas of the head, the oil will absorb into the skin for the best effect. This oil massage is one of the best natural headache treatment at home.

3). Deep Breathing Exercises: When our body and mind become stressed out, the potential for a migraine becomes much greater. Tense muscles around the head and neck tighten up, which can be a trigger for a migraine headache for many sufferers.

By learning to breathe properly, you will be teaching the body to relax and therefore teaching it to avoid becoming over-stressed. When you achieve normal stress levels, and tension is at a minimum, you should see your migraines dissipate greatly.

4). Magnesium Supplements: Magnesium is very important to so many of the systems in the human body, and many claims that it works in the prevention of headache episodes. Magnesium can be found in many different foods and through the use of a supplement.

Health Note: Always check with your family doctor before taking any magnesium though, as taking too much can result in other unwanted effects. So before implementing this migraine headache treatment at home, you should consult with your doctor first.

5). Use A Hot or Cold Compress: People have been using hot and cold compresses for pain for many years, and with a lot of success. Placing the compress directly on the head oftentimes results in a reduction in pain for many headache sufferers. 
Various Benefits of Using Hot and Cold Compress:
·       The Cold compress treatment decreases swelling by reducing blood flow.
·   The Hot compress treatment endorses blood flow and supports in the relaxations of muscles.
·       Irregular heat and cold compress may benefit to reduce exercise-induced muscle pain.
·    Not ever use extreme hot compress, and never put ice directly on your skin.

If you are prone to get migraines often, or just once in a while, there are easy and natural remedies you can use to ease your pain and discomfort. These are the few home remedies for headache which you can easily do at your home when you are suffering from headache pain badly. Natural ways to reduce headache pain at home.

Thank you for reading our health care article. Do subscribe us on Instagram @Trickyhealth for more health care tips.

Diabetes Risks Factors and Health Care tips for Diabetic Patient - Find the Answer of a Common Question: “Is Diabetes Genetic?”

Genetic Diabetes Risks Factors

Common Question among all people: “Is Diabetes Genetic?”

Shared By: Tricky Health

Diabetes is a group of disorders mainly having the symptoms of hyperglycemia that means an increase in the level of sugar in the blood. A common question among many people is Diabetes Genetic? We are going to answer this question below in this health care article. 

First of all, we are going to explain about the various type of Diabetes after that we are going to explain the question and then various risk factors related to diabetes.

 There are mainly two types of diabetes:
·       Type 1 diabetes and
·       Type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes. In this type of Diabetes, the patient required insulin injection on a regular basis. In type 1 Diabetes there is autoimmune destruction of the beta cell of the pancreas and lifelong insulin therapy is the only treatment for the disease without external isoline injection patients cant survive.

Type 2 diabetes: This type of diabetes is known as non-insulin dependent diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is caused by an impaired secretion of insulin and peripheral insulin resistance. This type of diabetes can be managed with diet, exercise, oral hypoglycemic agents and sometimes external isoline injections.

It has been known that TYPE-2 Diabetes is inherited. Many of the family studies have revealed that first degree relatives of the individual having T2D is more likely to develop the disease than the individual who is not having a family history of Diabetes.
is diabetes genetic

Is Diabetes Genetic?

Genetics plays a vital role in the development of these two types of diabetes. In first degree relatives (Blood Relation) there is a high risk of developing type 1 diabetes. That means Diabetes can be transferred from parents to their children. But there are rare chances where environmental factors also contribute to developing diabetes problems.

Conclusion of the question is Diabetes Genetic?: By reading the above paragraph we come to know that diabetes can be genetic as well as environmental.

Various Risk Factors Related to Genetic Diabetes: Inherit risk factors for diabetes are called predisposed risk factors for developing diabetic conditions. A study has shown that a group of rare genetic recessively inborn diabetes can genetically change functional genes in the human being.

The diabetes genetic studies show that the mutation of the functional genes sometimes causes Diabetes. The research results may show up in some rare diabetic syndromes that also hold recessive inheritance representations. Diabetic studies for these mutations have been conducted mainly in the section of inherited new-born diabetes syndrome.