Showing posts with label HEALTH CARE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH CARE. Show all posts

4 Common Diseases Related to Heart: An Overview About Causes and Treatments

The heart is an important organ in the human body, playing a crucial role in pumping blood and maintaining healthy blood circulation. However, like all other organs, the heart is also susceptible to various diseases and conditions that can affect its functioning and overall health. In this article, we’ll discuss the different diseases related to the heart, their causes, symptoms, and treatments.

1)  Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is one of the most common heart diseases, affecting millions of people worldwide. CAD is a condition where the arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrow and blocked, reducing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle. This can lead to angina (chest pain), heart attack, and heart failure.

·    Causes of CAD include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and diabetes.

·    Symptoms of CAD include chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and palpitations.

·   Treatment options for CAD include lifestyle changes, such as healthy eating, regular exercise, quitting smoking, and reducing stress. Medications, such as aspirin, statins, and beta-blockers, can also be prescribed to lower cholesterol levels and improve blood flow. In severe cases, angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery may be recommended. 

Diseases Related to Heart

2)  Heart Valve Diseases

The heart has four valves that regulate blood flow in and out of the heart chambers. If these valves become damaged or malfunction, it can lead to heart valve diseases, such as stenosis (narrowing of the valve) or regurgitation (leakage of the valve).

·     Causes of heart valve diseases include congenital heart defects, rheumatic fever, and aging.

·  Symptoms of heart valve diseases include shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain, and heart palpitations.

·    Treatment for heart valve diseases depends on the severity of the condition and may include lifestyle changes, medications, or surgery. In severe cases, valve repair or replacement surgery may be necessary.


3)  Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a condition where the heart becomes weakened and unable to pump blood efficiently, leading to fluid buildup in the body. This can cause shortness of breath, fatigue, and swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet.

·    Causes of CHF include CAD, heart valve diseases, high blood pressure, and viral infections.

·      Symptoms of CHF include shortness of breath, fatigue, and swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet.

·     Treatment for CHF includes lifestyle changes, such as healthy eating and regular exercise, as well as medications to improve heart function and reduce fluid buildup. In severe cases, a heart transplant may be necessary.

4)  Arrhythmias

Arrhythmias are abnormal heart rhythms caused by electrical problems in the heart. This can lead to a rapid, slow, or irregular heartbeat, which can be dangerous and life-threatening.

·     Causes of arrhythmias include congenital heart defects, heart disease, and high-stress levels.

·      Symptoms of arrhythmias include palpitations, chest pain, and fainting.

·   Treatment for arrhythmias depends on the severity of the condition and may include lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery. In severe cases, an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) may be necessary to prevent life-threatening arrhythmias.

In conclusion, heart diseases are a major health concern and have a significant impact on the lives of people worldwide. Regular check-ups, a balanced diet, and an active lifestyle are some of the preventive measures one can take to avoid heart disease. Some of the common heart diseases include coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmia, and hypertension. Early diagnosis and proper treatment can help prevent the progression of these diseases and improve the quality of life. It is crucial to seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or palpitations. By spreading awareness about the importance of heart health and taking preventive measures, we can work towards reducing the impact of heart diseases and improving overall well-being.

FAQ Section:

1.    What are the most common heart diseases?

The most common heart diseases include coronary artery disease, heart valve disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, and hypertension.

2.    How does coronary artery disease develop?

Coronary artery disease develops when the blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart become narrow or blocked. This is typically due to the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries.

3.    Can heart valve disease be treated?

Yes, heart valve disease can be treated with medication or surgery, depending on the severity of the condition.

4.    How can arrhythmias be detected?

Arrhythmias can be detected through a range of tests including an electrocardiogram (ECG), Holter monitor, and event recorder.

5.    What are the common symptoms of heart failure?

The common symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling of the legs, ankles and feet, rapid or irregular heartbeat, and coughing or wheezing.

6.    Can hypertension lead to heart disease?

Yes, hypertension or high blood pressure can lead to heart disease by damaging the blood vessels and causing them to become narrow or blocked.

7.    What are the risk factors for heart disease?

Some of the risk factors for heart disease include smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, family history of heart disease, and sedentary lifestyle.

8.    How can I prevent heart disease?

You can prevent heart disease by making healthy lifestyle choices such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking, managing stress, and getting regular check-ups.

9.    What are the different treatments available for heart disease?

The treatments available for heart disease include medication, surgery, lifestyle changes, and rehabilitation.

10.  Is heart disease preventable?

Yes, heart disease is largely preventable by making healthy lifestyle choices and getting regular check-ups. Early detection and management of risk factors can greatly reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

Aspects of mental illness : Prevention of mental illness

Aspects of mental illness 

Prevention of mental illness

About Mental Illness: Mental illness is a term used to describe a wide range of mental health conditions that can impact an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behavior. These conditions can range from mild to severe and can have a significant impact on a person's life, including their daily activities, relationships, and ability to work. Mental illness is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide, and it is essential to understand the importance of seeking help and support when struggling with a mental health condition.

The Causes: The causes of mental illness can be complex and can stem from a combination of factors, including genetics, environment, and life events. Some common types of mental illness include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and eating disorders. Each of these conditions is characterized by specific symptoms and can vary greatly in severity and impact on an individual's life.

It is crucial to understand that mental illness is a treatable condition, and there are many different options available for those who are struggling with their mental health. These can range from therapy and counseling to medication and lifestyle changes, and it is important to work with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of treatment for each individual case.

In many cases, seeking help and support is the first step in managing a mental health condition. Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or healthcare professional can provide a safe space to discuss feelings and experiences, and can help to reduce feelings of isolation and stigma. Additionally, many organizations and support groups are available to offer resources and support to those with mental illness and their loved ones.

One of the biggest challenges in addressing mental illness is reducing the stigma that still exists around mental health conditions. Many people are reluctant to seek help because they fear being judged or misunderstood, and this can prevent them from getting the support they need. It is essential to educate others about the importance of mental health and to promote understanding and support for those who are struggling with mental illness.

In conclusion, mental illness is a common and treatable condition that can impact an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behavior. By seeking help and support, individuals can learn to manage their mental health and lead fulfilling and productive lives.

Aspects of mental health : Prevention of mental illness

Aspects of Mental Health

Here are some aspects of mental health:

1. Emotional well-being: Emotional well-being refers to the ability to manage and regulate one's emotions in a positive and healthy way. It includes the ability to experience a range of positive emotions, such as happiness, contentment, and excitement, and to manage negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, and anger.

2. Cognitive functioning: Cognitive functioning refers to the ability to think, reason, and problem-solve. This aspect of mental health is closely linked to memory, attention, and concentration, and is essential for daily life activities.

3. Social well-being: Social well-being refers to the quality of an individual's relationships with others and their ability to connect with others in meaningful and supportive ways. It includes the ability to form and maintain close relationships, the ability to communicate effectively, and the ability to understand the perspectives of others.

4. Psychological resilience: Psychological resilience refers to an individual's ability to cope with stress, adversity, and change in a healthy and adaptive way. It includes the ability to recover quickly from setbacks, the ability to learn from difficult experiences, and the ability to maintain a positive outlook even in challenging circumstances.

5. Mental disorders: Mental disorders are patterns of thought, behavior, and emotional disturbance that cause significant distress or impairment in an individual's daily life. Examples of mental disorders include depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and psychotic disorders, among others.

6. Substance abuse: Substance abuse refers to the excessive use of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that can lead to harmful consequences for an individual's physical and mental health. Substance abuse can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including social problems, financial difficulties, and health problems.

7. Self-esteem: Self-esteem refers to an individual's sense of self-worth and the value they place on themselves. It is an essential aspect of mental health and can influence an individual's decision-making, relationships, and their overall quality of life. 

8. Spiritual well-being: Spiritual well-being refers to an individual's connection to a higher power, sense of purpose, and meaning in life. It can include religious or spiritual practices, meditation, or other forms of spiritual expression.

In conclusion, mental health is a complex and multi-faceted aspect of an individual's overall well-being that encompasses a range of different dimensions, including emotional well-being, cognitive functioning, social well-being, psychological resilience, mental disorders, substance abuse, self-esteem, spiritual well-being.

Prevention of mental illness

Here are some facts about the prevention of mental illness:

1.    Promoting good mental health: Encouraging people to take care of their mental health through regular exercise, healthy eating, and stress management can help prevent the onset of mental illness.

2.    Early Intervention: Identifying symptoms early and seeking help promptly can reduce the severity of the illness and prevent it from becoming chronic.

3.    Education and Awareness: Raising awareness and educating the public about mental health and mental illness can help reduce stigma and encourage people to seek help when needed.

4. Addressing Risk Factors: Addressing risk factors such as poverty, trauma, abuse, and substance abuse can help prevent the development of mental illness.

5. Building Strong Support Systems: Providing social support and community resources for individuals can help prevent the onset of mental illness.

6.   Encouraging Help-Seeking: Encouraging individuals to seek help if they are experiencing symptoms can help prevent the onset of mental illness.

7.   Strengthening Coping Skills: Providing education and resources to help individuals develop coping skills can help prevent the onset of mental illness.

It is important to remember that mental illness is complex and that a combination of factors can contribute to its development. Preventing mental illness requires a multi-faceted approach that involves addressing risk factors, promoting good mental health, and encouraging early intervention and help-seeking.

Chicken Salad Calories : Health Benefits of Chicken Salad

Chicken Salad Calories

The number of calories in chicken salad varies based on the ingredients and portion size. On average, a 100-gram serving of chicken salad made with mayonnaise can contain approximately 200-250 calories. It's important to keep in mind that the calorie count can be affected by factors such as the type of mayonnaise used, the number of additional ingredients like nuts and dried fruit, and the portion size.

Health Benefits of Chicken Salad:

1.     Protein-rich: Chicken is a great source of protein, and adding it to a salad provides a high-protein meal that will keep you feeling full and satisfied for hours.

2.  Low in Fat: Chicken is lean meat, and when combined with low-fat ingredients like lettuce, tomatoes, and low-fat dressing, it makes for a low-fat meal that is good for your heart and waistline.

3. Fiber-rich: Many salads contain fiber-rich ingredients like carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers, which are important for maintaining a healthy digestive system and regulating blood sugar levels.

4.  Vitamins and Minerals: Salad ingredients like lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots are rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, potassium, and iron, which support overall health and wellness.

5.    Hydrating: The ingredients in a chicken salad are mostly water-rich, which makes for a hydrating meal that can help you stay hydrated and refreshed during the day.

6.    Antioxidant Boost: Salad ingredients like tomatoes and bell peppers are rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from harmful free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.

7.    Low in Calories: Chicken salad can be a low-calorie meal, making it an ideal option for those looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Chicken Salad Calories

Chicken Calories

The number of calories in chicken varies based on the cut of the meat and the cooking method. Here are some average calorie counts for different cuts of chicken:

·      3 ounces of boneless, skinless chicken breast contains 140 calories

·      3 ounces of roasted chicken drumstick contains 140 calories

·      3 ounces of the roasted chicken wing contains 130 calories

·      3 ounces of roasted chicken thigh contains 170 calories

It's important to note that adding fats, such as oil or butter, during cooking will add to the overall calorie count.

Chicken Nutritional Value

Chicken is a nutritious and versatile food that provides a variety of health benefits. Here are some key nutritional values of chicken:

1.    Protein: Chicken is an excellent source of high-quality protein, with about 3 ounces of cooked chicken providing approximately 26 grams of protein.

2.    B vitamins: Chicken is rich in B vitamins such as B6, B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B1 (thiamine), which are essential for energy metabolism, brain function, and red blood cell production.

3.    Minerals: Chicken provides a range of essential minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, and selenium, which are important for healthy bones, muscles, and immune system function.

4.    Low in fat and calories: Chicken is relatively low in both fat and calories, making it an excellent choice for those looking to manage their weight. A 3-ounce serving of cooked chicken breast contains approximately 140 calories and 3 grams of fat.

5.    Source of antioxidants: Chicken is also a good source of antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, which help to protect against cellular damage from free radicals.

It's important to note that the nutritional value of chicken can vary depending on the type of chicken and how it's prepared. For example, skinless chicken breast is lower in fat and calories compared to chicken thighs or wings, while cooking methods such as frying or breading will increase the calorie and fat content.

Arthritis refers to an entire group of diseases [Many different health problems all are called Arthritis]

 What does arthritis mean?

Arthritis literally means joint inflammation. You also have to understand that arthritis is not a single disease. Arthritis refers to an entire group of diseases.

Today there are many rheumatic diseases and other conditions that are called arthritis. In fact, there are over 100 and all of them will cause pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joints.

When one of these conditions damages the joints of the body this is when it is referred to as arthritis. Arthritis effect and disables our seniors and people 65 and older. There are many different forms of arthritis and they each have their own cause.

Arthritis refers to an entire group of diseases

What is the common theme of arthritis?

The 100 forms of arthritis do have something very much in common. Pain is common, far and away from the number one answer. This pain is going to be different for each of the sufferers and where the pain is located is also going to be different.

Warning signs and some symptoms of arthritis: Stiffness swelling pain difficulty in moving one or more joints

If you have one or more of the above symptoms for two weeks or more, you need to go and talk to your doctor. You need to go and have these warning signs and/or symptoms diagnosed and treated.

I am not going to go into all of the different types of arthritis and their symptoms. What I am going to do is list a few for you, and I will do another article that will list many others. So here are a few types of arthritis and the symptoms that are associated with them.

Osteoarthritis - this disease happens to be a degenerative joint disease. You are going to feel the worst pain at night time or after rest. This happens from wear and tear on the body, but there are other reasons. Here are some symptoms of osteoarthritis:

  Decreased function in the affected joint tenderness to the touch pain in the affected area swelling around the joint where the pain is being felt. The onset of osteoarthritis is very subtle and gradual, usually involving one or only a few joints. Some of the joints most affected by this are:

  tough on the knees sore hands hips become sore and stiff spine area is affected

  Rheumatoid - pain is felt in the morning. Sometimes in the elderly and children, the pain may not be as pronounced, but some limbs may not want to function.

  Rheumatoid arthritis can be a potentially disabling disease. The body is attacking itself. This is how Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.

Problems can be:

Some of these symptoms are similar to other types of arthritis. you can have stiffness pain in the affected joint swelling of the joint you can lose function of the joint

The cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains elusive. Doctors believe that there could be something genetic involved with this. Rheumatoid arthritis in the beginning stages can be difficult to diagnose because again this is gradual and has subtle symptoms.

Some of the other types of arthritis and by no means is this a complete list are the following. Gout and pseudogout, you have a septic, as mentioned rheumatoid arthritis and don't forget juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and also mentioned osteoarthritis, bursitis and there are many others that have not been mentioned.

Today there are many different ways to treat arthritis depending on the type of arthritis you have. Medications can be prescribed as well as arthroplasty.

When joint pain is so severe that there may come a time when a prosthetic joint replacement may become necessary. The people who have had this done are very satisfied with the results.

You have to understand that arthritis has been around for a long time. Arthritis dates back to 4500 B.C. It was then the first traces were noticed in humans.

Ankle osteoarthritis was found in dinosaurs. Even the native Americans of Tennessee, it was noticed that they suffered from a form of arthritis.

There may be a time in the future when a cure for arthritis will be found. But today we can just treat the symptoms of arthritis the best we can. To help the person have a better form of life is what the goal is today, by using drugs and other treatments. Time will tell if something happens out on the horizon, but for now, there is no cure for arthritis but there are natural arthritis treatments that are available.

There are other treatments besides the couple listed above and I will talk about them in another article.

What is Ankle Tendonitis? - If You Feel Pain, Beware

Ankle Tendonitis 
If You Feel Pain, Beware

Your feet are going to carry you for probably your entire life. You need to make sure that you take care of them the best that you can. You may be starting ankle tendonitis if you start to feel pain or either swelling in the ankle area.

Let me keep you some background information and also talk a little bit about how we can help prevent tendinitis in the ankle.

Sometimes if you are training very hard, there may be times when you could show some signs of tendonitis in your ankles.

Tendonitis in general is the inflammation of the tendon. This is the fibrous tissue that connects the bone to the muscle. You can get tendonitis from the tendon being overworked or too much force on the tendon.

If you have developed ankle tendonitis you are going to find it difficult to move the ankle without feeling a very sharp pain starting in the ankle area and working its way up to the calf. Most times the common symptoms that you will have will be pain, swelling, and tenderness to the touch in the area of the ankle.

Another type of tendonitis that is very similar to being in close proximity to the ankle is Achilles tendonitis. What happens with this type is the Achilles tendon becomes inflamed. You see this occur in people who are constantly on their feet or in runners.

Ankle Tendonitis

Treatment for Ankle Tendonitis

Home Treatment: If you have a mild case of ankle tendonitis, you can use a home remedy that works great and that is an ice pack. You can use a frozen bag of vegetables to accomplish this home remedy. You have to use the ice pack for 15 minutes. Don't let the area get numb, that is not good. Ice it, then let it warm up and do it again. If you need to be on your feet, you can use an ace bandage to help support the ankle and prevent further injury.

Cortisone injections sometimes work well for tendonitis but using them when you have ankle tendonitis is a somewhat scary thing to do. The ankle tendon can rupture easily if used improperly, so doctors try to avoid them if possible. You can try to put a cushion in your shoe, this will help support the foot and can help with the pain if you need to be on your feet.

Your feet are going to carry you for a long time and keeping them injury-free is important. This will include not getting ankle tendonitis. If you avoid taking care of the problem, you risk developing permanent injury and that is not something you want to do.

You need to talk to a physical therapist or an orthopedics doctor to learn how to maneuver your feet during physical activity to prevent injury. Whenever you feel ankle tendonitis pain or swelling in your ankle, try not to overdo it. Try to get off of your feet and give them a rest.

Is Asthma Only A Childhood Disease? Hypnosis Therapy for Asthma Attacks

There is ample evidence that asthma is largely an illness that attacks children largely due to the fact that they are weaker targets of those things that cause inflammation of their tiny lungs. Adults are easily misled because nearly 90% of asthma victims are in their teens or younger. If you are a parent with a child that suffers from asthma, you know the symptoms full well so they are easily identified should you begin to wonder if you are suffering the same disease.

You can be in adulthood without a hint of asthma, then, suddenly in your midlife find yourself with asthmatic symptoms. However, one can get some idea as to the symptoms by thinking a bit about past history. Prolonged exposure to harsh chemicals or other allergens usually through work or hobbies can give a clue. Even the use of some seemingly mild household cleaners can do damage over a long period of use.

Such exposure may take years, easily stretching into adulthood, before you feel the effects of the damage. Suddenly you are having ill health effects that come as a total surprise. But, like aging, it is a gradual process that literally sneaks up on us, except with asthma, it cannot be seen or felt until it creates problems with day-to-day living.

Is Asthma Only A Childhood Disease

Before you panic, however, you need to be sure that you, in fact, have asthma. The first thing to do is to check your work, home, and recreational environments. I spend a lot of time around race cars and classic cars so I am exposed to paints, cleaners, fuel mixtures, and lots of fumes. All these contribute to the danger of becoming asthmatic but I have long been aware of the danger and have taken all the precautions available. As technology improves I follow along with taking the appropriate safeguards.

In your daily environment, look for any type of fumes, odors, dust, or particles that you are exposed to and eliminate them if possible. If you cannot eliminate them, wear masks and goggles, and install better ventilation. If the allergens are in the workplace, demand that your employer install safety equipment. If that fails, go to the government. OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, will come in and investigate.

If you cannot eliminate allergens in your personal space, replace the allergens with less harmful versions of the products. Look for products with natural or non-toxic ingredients that will do the same job. Once you do all you can to minimize exposure and still have symptoms, it is time to visit your doctor for a professional opinion and diagnosis.

One of the first things your doctor will do is listen to your lungs with a stethoscope. Asthma damage can be heard in your breathing because it causes a restriction in your lungs. Basically, your lungs are damaged by whatever has caused the irritation. Your physician can hear this clearly if you are asthmatic.

If you appear to be asthmatic, your physician may move to test you with a meter that measures the power and volume of your breathing. Asthmatics cannot exhale with any amount of normal volume which is easily seen by the float in the meter. It's a simple and painless test that tells volumes about the condition of your lungs. You will blow through a mouthpiece into a tube with a flow mechanism inside that will rise based on your power to exhale air in one burst. This takes but a few seconds and will give your doctor a good idea of your lung health and whether you are asthmatic.

If your doctor determines you have asthma he or she may move you into preliminary treatment that may include mild inhalers. The degree of your lung impairment will determine the type and number of inhalers and the frequency of use. This prescription will be temporary and you will return to the doctor with a few weeks for another flow meter test to gauge the effectiveness of the treatment. If your next breath test shows improvement, this means you have asthma and your doctor will prescribe a more permanent course of maintenance.


Hypnosis Therapy Can Be A Great Technique For Overcoming Asthma Attacks:


Allergic reactions are one of the most common medical disorders affecting every human body in the present day. An allergic reaction is an immune system reaction to an environmental stimulus. The body mistakenly sees the stimulus as injurious and attempts to attack it, causing the symptoms of an allergic reaction. The most common symptoms are a running or itching nose, irritated eyes, coughing, and wheezing.

One very common type of allergy is asthma. It is a chronic allergy that directly affects the lungs and air passages in the body. The air passages are easily aggravated by allergens and a thick lining of mucus builds up. Allergens and other stimuli can produce an asthma attack, including temperature changes, humidity variations, smoke and pollen. Typically, an asthma attack has a number of respiratory symptoms, including coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and trouble breathing. Another symptom of an attack is shortness of breath.

Symptoms: The symptoms of an asthma attack are caused by the air passageways reacting to the allergen or trigger. When exposed to a trigger, the air passages become irritated and constrict, resulting in the respiratory symptoms. These symptoms can range from moderate to ominous, depending on the severity of the allergy. Any asthma symptom can be upsetting and should be taken seriously.


·       Asthma is usually diagnosed in childhood, as symptoms tend to manifest by the age of 5.

·       Presently, it affects around 10% - 12% of all children, and has been steadily growing.

·       There is no explicit known reason for the increase, but risk factors include exposure to cigarette smoke, other allergies, and a history of other respiratory infections. Also, the odds of being diagnosed are raised in males and African Americans.


At present, there are several different types of asthma medications and methods of treatment that can efficiently reduce symptoms.


Two major types of asthma medication are fast-acting medicine to treat symptoms during an asthma attack, and preventing medicine, which is taken on a regular basis to shrink the risk of having an attack.

Short-acting Beta-2 Antagonists (SABAs) are bronchodilators, which is a type of fast acting medicine that assists in opening air passages and easing the symptoms of an asthma attack, and are commonly administered through asthma inhalers. This type of medicine doesn't treat the inflammation that causes an attack, but is efficient when taken during an asthma attack, and will last for three to six hours after it is given.

Controlling asthma medication is taken regularly and treats the underlying causes of asthma attacks. The most common types of this medicine are asthma inhalers containing a steroid that reduces inflammation in the air passageways and lungs and Long-Acting Beta-2 Antagonists (LABAs). The results of long-acting asthma inhalers commonly last for twelve hours and can lower the number of attacks that take place during sleep. A lot of medications have very harsh side effects for some people.

Treatment: Various types of asthma treatment alternative therapies are currently getting more popular. Some alternative approaches concentrate just on preventative care, such as not smoking during pregnancy or around babies, incorporating a selenium-rich diet or removing sources of allergens in the home.

Some other modalities include taking off weight, increasing Omega-3 intake, decreasing Omega-6 intake, acupuncture, relaxation techniques and hypnotherapy. It is important to note that any type of alternative therapy is designated to be used along with medical advice, because fast-acting medications are often required for an acute asthma attack.


·       One treatment program that is getting more popular is self-hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy for asthma has the goal of triggering the relaxation response, which can serve to prevent or reduce your symptoms when having an asthma attack. Some other alternative types of asthma treatment also employ relaxation as a tool to eliminate symptoms, such as with meditation programs.

Using hypnotherapy, one can treat the emotional elements of an asthma attack, which have the capacity to make it much more intense. It is only human nature to get frightened or feel threatened when we sense our air supply being cut off. This instinctual reaction actually can and will intensify the strength of an asthma attack. Similar feelings of fearfulness and trepidation about having an asthma attack can actually bring on an attack. These emotional causes and responses are managed with the asthma treatment method of hypnosis.

Hypnosis has been proven to be a highly effective asthma treatment. With a trained hypnotist, or using one of the several recorded programs on hand, you can easily glide into a relaxed hypnotic state, and begin to take charge of over-breathing and bodily functions. One of the most effective techniques is to learn how to use hypnosis to actually abort a looming asthma attack. The self-hypnosis method of asthma treatment is tremendously successful and can work well for those who cannot take or do not want to take prescription medicines regularly. Which asthma treatment you choose depends both on the severity of your symptoms and what type of treatment that works well for your symptoms.