Showing posts with label HEALTH CARE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH CARE. Show all posts



How to control Acidity By using Home Remedies?

HOME REMEDIES FOR ACIDITY TREATMENTWhat is Acidity: Acidity refers to the formation of high levels of gastric juices in the stomach; gastric juices help in the proper digestion of our food which we have eaten, but the abnormal and excessive secretion of these gastric juices lead to acidity

This is also called heartburn because of this condition there is a burning sensation in the esophagus (food pipe) due to the acid present in the stomach flow up to the esophagus and cause acid reflux. 

Nowadays this is a common health problem for the people especially to the urban people because of their faulty eating habits and the faulty lifestyle pattern. It is very necessary to control this condition because these juices can destroy the lining of the esophagus or can lead to other serious disorders such as ulcers. 

This condition is not a permanent condition this can be treated by some moderation in the lifestyle pattern and the changes in the eating pattern. 

In this Tricky Health Education article, we are suggesting some of the home remedies control acidity. These Natural Home Remedies (or) health care tips can be very helpful in treating this Acidity condition. This condition is caused by various reasons which are as follows:

UNHEALTHY EATING PATTERN: Eating of oily food, food with more salt, sweets & spices can cause acidity. Drinks contain lots of acids and the food which tastes sour can lead to acidity.
STRESS: stress, worries, pressure on the mind can also lead to acidity as these trigger the more acid (gastric juices) production and secretion in the stomach.
UNHEALTY LIFE STYLE PATTERN: inadequate physical activity, going to sleep early after having food also leads to excessive production of the gastric juices.
ANY ILLNESS: Any disorder or the illness related to the digestive system also lead to the acidity problem.
Frequent coffee drinking, alcohol drinking, smoking etc. also lead to acidity as these substances enhance the gastric juices secretion.
1. In beginning there will be restlessness to the person

2. Heart burn means burning sensation in the heart region can be there.

3. Feeling of nausea or vomiting can be there

4. Sour belching can be there, it will be with the food taken. Individual will face a sour feeling in his food passage.

5. Flatulence and bloating are other symptoms of this problem.

6. Indigestion or the severe constipation can be in acidity cases.

Natural Home Remedies for Treating Acidity
Use of Aloe Vera for Removing Acidity: Acidity problem can be effectively treated with the aloe Vera. For the permanent treatment of the acidity, you must consume Aloe Vera juice daily before taking your meals.
Use of Papaya for Removing Acidity: As papaya is easily available in the fruit market so can be beneficial in treating the acidity problem. As every one knows papaya is helpful in treating the constipation because it contains the enzyme papain which is very helpful in the digestion of proteins which we take in our food, so as the food is properly digested so in minimize the risk of acidity. So you should consume it everyday for the better results.
Remove the Habit of Fast eating: In some cases of acidity it can be due to some of the faulty eating practices such as taking too much spicy, oily. In these cases acidity can be treated by fasting or staying without eating anything. In this case have a light diet and avoid the solid, spicy, oily food. In this case mainly focus on the fruit juices and drink plenty of water.
Ginger & lemon juices is very helpful in Removing Acidity: Ginger and lemon can be effective in curing the acidity problem. For this cut the ginger into pieces and take out the juice from it and then mix one lemon juice into it and drink it everyday after having the food and see the results.
Cabbage juice Home Remdy for Acidity: Cabbage juice is very helpful in treating acidity problem. Take out the juice from the sliced cabbage into the mixer and have a cup of it everyday before having a meal. For the better results make it a routine to have a cup of cabbage juice everyday without a gap.
Honey Home Remedy for Acidity: As Honey is having many of the natural medicinal properties and is easily available at every home is very much beneficial in treating the acidity problem. For this you should take two spoon of honey every night before going to bed. Honey is very helpful in preventing the food pipe walls from the dangerous effects of the gastric juices.
Carrot juice: Carrot juice can be beneficial to treat the acidity problem, for this cut carrot in small pieces and make a juice out of it with the mixer and consume this everyday to avoid or treat the acidity.
All these home remedies can be performed at home on a daily basis with ease. If you are suffering from Acidity then use these health tips. That’s it about this Tricky Health Education article, be here for more health care tips….



DRY SKIN CARE TIPSDry skin is the most common skin problem, especially in the winters. The main reason for the dry skin is the improper function of the sebaceous glands in the body, sebaceous glands secrete the sebum which is an oily product & helps in maintaining the skin hydration level. 

When the sebaceous glands in the skin do not produce sufficient sebum then it results in the dry skin. The main symptoms of the dry skin are itching, irritation, cracking & fine lines on the skin on the skin. 

This problem of dry skin is not life -long, it can be cured by applying the various home tips which are available easily in the home. There are various causes of dry skin but the temperature change is the main cause. Some of the causes and the healthy home tips are suggested below:

1). The environment changes: The main reason for the dry skin is temperature means season changes. In winter dry skin is a common problem because of the low levels of temperature and humidity in the environment. The moisture in the skin goes out in the winter season and makes the skin dry in this season. Try to use the moisturizers for skincare in the winter.

2). Dehydration: dehydration means low water levels in the body. The low water level in the body also results in dry skin so drink lots of water in a day.

3). Vitamin Deficiency: The improper supply of vital vitamins like A, C, and vitamin E causes dry skin. These vitamins help in maintaining the skin moisture so have the foods rich of vitamin A, C and E like green leafy vegetables, fruits, egg, chicken, yoghurt, lemon, orange etc. Take the proper diet to combat the dry skin.

4). Long sun exposure: Long sun exposure results in dry skin and skin discoloration because the UV radiation in the sun absorbs the moisture from the skin and leaves the skin dry.

5). Extended baths: Some of the people take the bath frequently means 3 to 4 times in a day which can lead to dry skin. Using too much hot water for the bath is also the main cause of dry skin because the hot water absorbs the skin moisture and makes the skin dry, so avoid too much-extended & too much hot & cold baths.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Various Health care tips that you can use to get rid of this Dry Skin problem. These Home remedies can be performing at home with very easy with almost at a very low-cost rate.
USE OF TOMATO: Grind the fresh tomato and 2-3 small pieces of ripe papaya in blender and make the smooth paste. Apply this smooth paste all over the dry skin, face and as it get dried wash it off with the Luke-warm water. This health tips or this Home remedies will surly work for you and make your skin soft.
USE OF ALMONDS: Soak the 6 -7 almonds over night & in the morning make the almonds into smooth paste and add one table spoon of milk & one table spoon of honey to the almond paste. Apply this paste on the dry face & skin, after 15 minutes rinse it off with tap water. Use this home tip regularly for the better result.
USE OF BANANA: Take one ripe banana and mesh the banana and add 1 table spoon of honey to the banana. Apply this paste on the face & wash it off after 10 minutes. Honey acts as a natural moisturizer and banana helps in retaining the moisture inside the skin. For best result use this home tip regularly for 2 weeks.
USE OF ALMOND OIL: Application of almond oil on the dry skin every night before going to bed can also help in get rid of dry skin as the almond is a natural moisturiser and helps in maintaining the skin moisture.
USE OF ALOEVERA: Apply the fresh aloe Vera gel evenly over the dry skin and as it get dried then rinse it off with Luke warm water. Aloe Vera is a natural moisturiser and it gives hydration to the skin &also maintains the skin moisture.

Continue your visit with Tricky Health Education for more Home Remedies and HEALTH Care Tips.


Health Care Education on Migraine Pain Relief

 Health Tips for Migraine
Last week I have received a message from one of my readers and she wants Health Care Education on Migraine. So our team decided to write an article on Health caring tips to get rid of Migraine.

HEALTH EDUCATION ON MAIGRAINEWhat is Migraine: A very typically a headache with moderate to severe throbbing or pounding on one side of your head known as Migraine. Migraine may start as a dull headache and can spread from one side of your skull to the other side of the head. 

The patient suffering from migraine is mostly felt very sick and some of them will actually start vomiting and while many of patent will be very sensitive to light and noise.

The Migraines problem can be last from 4 hrs. to 3 days. The pain (headache) may occur just occasionally or more frequently. The strong hereditary component of migraine and first attacks usually occur in adolescence. 

All people do not have the same migraine symptoms. The pattern of symptoms of the migraine is usually the same. The pattern of symptoms for migraine are as follow:
Symptoms of Migraine: The pain in the head from one side to the other side of the head is one of the common symptoms for Migraine, but there are some other common migraine symptoms are as follow: 
1). The Visual instability which includes the following factors: distorted vision, flashes of light and blind spots. 
2). Feeling too much tired, sleepiness and taken too much yawning. 
3). Feeling weaker or tingling (irritation) in the face, arm or leg. 
4). Vomiting is one of the common symptoms.
Various Reasons That Can Cause Migraine
There are many things which can trigger (cause) migraine problem. These causes can differ between different people. Various reasons which can cause Migraine are as follow:

1). Consumption of too much alcohol.

2). Unhealthy Diet or Some type of foods such as chocolate, caffeine, cheese, citrus fruits, preserved meats as well as fish.

3). Dehydration can also cause this problem.

4). Migraine can also cause due to the hormonal changes during menstruation.

5). Too Much heat or cold to the body can cause this problem.

6). Lighting effect especially flickering of lights.

7). Loud noises around your environment can cause this problem.

8). Taking too much strain on the eyes.

9). Smoking and strong smells can cause migraines.

10). A very little sleep or too much sleep can cause migraines.

Treatment Health Care Tips on Migraine
1). When suffering from migraine or headache you have to take a complete rest in a dark and quiet place. 
2). Try to drink plenty of water and try to maintain regular exercise setup. A proper and healthy diet also helps you to recover from Migraine. 
3). If you are a drinker then stop drinking if you cannot stop drinking then limit alcohol intake and smoker should have to stop smoking. 
4). Do some relaxation exercises and must do yoga early in morning which may reduce stress levels. 
5). Take the pain relief medicine that is recommended by a doctor or pharmacist at the first sign of a migraine.
Continue your visit with Tricky Health Education and in Next upcoming Medical Health care Education segment we are going to share the various Home remedies on Migraine.

HEALTH CARE TIPS TO GET RID OF DARK UNDERARMS : 10 Skin Care Tips to Remove Dark Underarms

How to Get Rid of Dark Underarms
Having dark underarms than the other body parts coloration is very embarrassing for someone. If you want to get rid of this then firstly you should have knowledge that why these occur and what are the wrong practices which cause them. So here are some wrong practices which cause them:
1). Shaving the underarms area is the main caget rid of dark underarmsuse of underarms darkening. Underarms hairs are thicker, coarser and generally darker than the other body parts hairs but after shaving the armpit area the small stalks (hairs) which are left under the surface of skin are much more in number & are much harder. Over prolonged habit of shaving the underarm skin becomes dark because of the hairs that are left.
2). Using too much creams, lotions, deodorants on your underarms is also the main cause of the underarms darkening, this is because of the chemicals that are used in the preparation of these products. Using the products that contains the alcohol & other chemicals cause the skin allergy; in response to this our body initiates the immune system to protect the body cells which leads to the defence mechanism. Because of this defence mechanism the skin becomes more thickened (hyperkeratosis) & hyper pigmented. So avoiding these products can help you in preventing skin darkening.
* There are various topical creams & ointments that are used widely to treat the underarms darkening. These creams or lotions inhibit (stop) the melanin production; melanin is the pigment that causes the skin darkening, so inhibiting this pigment can prevents the underarms darkening.
* Using various chemical peels that contain alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs) are commonly used to treat the underarms these peel offs peel the darkened upper layer of the skin leaving the underneath brighten skin.
* LASER therapy is also effective in removing the outer damaged layer of the skin leaving the underneath brighten skin.
There are various simple home remedies that you can use in your home settings very easily. There are many products that can help in treating the underarm darkness & they are easily available at your home. 

The main significance of these home remedies is that these are easily available, affordable & are cost-effective but for the better result, you have to use these home tips regularly as these take some time for better results. These are as follows:

1st Tips: POTATO USE: Scrubbing the armpit area with a thin slice of potato is very much effective in treating the dark underarms. Potato acts as a bleaching agent because of its mild acidity & helps in getting rid of dark armpits. Applying the potato juice is also effective, apply the potato juice &after drying wash it with lukewarm water. Frequently repeat this home tip to get rid of underarms darkness & see the results with your own eyes.

2nd Tips: APPLE USE: Using mashed apple to the affected area is also effective in treating the underarms darkness. As apple is the main source of AHAs (alpha hydroxyl acids) so helps in (exfoliating) removing the upper damaged layer of the skin. Using this home tip frequently can help in lightening the skin within few days.

3rd Tips: LEMON USE: Applying the lemon juice to the affected area is also useful home tip to get rid of dark armpit. Lemon has the same acidic property as that of potato and helps in removing the damaged, dark upper layer of the skin, but the acidic property of the lemon is more than that of potato so always use a moisturizer to prevent the dryness. You can also use the lemon juice with turmeric paste to the affected area for the better result.

4th Tips: CUCUMBER USE: Cucumber because of its natural bleaching agent can be used to remove the darkness of underarms. You can use cucumber slices &rub on the affected surface for the effective result.

5th Tips: COCONUT OIL: massage the coconut oil on the area for 10 minutes then rinse it with lukewarm water. Coconut oil is very much effective in removing the darkness of the underarms because it contains high vitamin E content.

6th Tips: BAKING SODA: Apply a thick paste of baking soda mixed with water then after drying wash the area with lukewarm water. This remedy helps to remove the dead skin, opens the skin pores & lighten the skin.

7th Tips: VINEGAR: vinegar has anti bacterial & lightening property that’s why it can be used to kill the smell producing bacteria or germs. Apply the thick paste of vinegar & rice flour to the affected area & after drying wash it with lukewarm water. Frequently use this remedy for the effective use.

8th Tips: SANDALWOOD: Apply the thick paste of sandalwood & rosewater then wait for few minutes before washing it with cold water. Sandalwood is very effective & gives quick results if it is used on the regular basis.

9th Tips: YOGURT: Yogurt can be used to kill the germs or lighten the skin by removing the dead the cells. Using this remedy on the regular basis can be beneficial for removing the darkness of underarms.

10th Tips: HONEY: Apply a thin layer of honey on the affected area & then wait for its effective sticking to the area & after it dries wash it with lukewarm water. Honey is having anti bacterial, soothing & lightening property that’s why it is used most commonly.

By using all the above home skincare tips you can get rid of dark underarms. These remedied are easily available, affordable & cost effective. For the better results you have to work hard & use these regularly. These methods are really helpful in getting rid of the dark underarms without any side effect.


Caring and handling a newborn baby is a bit difBABY HEALTH CAREficult for a mother but the mothers should have knowledge about how to take care of the baby and the basic requirements of a baby. In simple words, the caring word implies to prevent the baby from the illness and to help in the proper growth and development of the baby. 

The mothers should be prepared for the required and effective new born baby care before the delivery. This article mainly focuses on the basic requirements of a baby and can help the mothers in providing basic care to their babies by using the medical health care tips provided in this article.


1). PROVIDING WARMTH TO THE BABY: Providing warmth to the baby is very necessary as the baby comes to a new environment and the temperature of this new environment is less as compared to the mother’s uterus so extra warmth should be provided to the baby to prevent the hypothermia (low body temperature) as the low temperature can lead to many problems. These health care tips can help in preventing the low temperature of the baby:
 A). Always keep the baby dry by changing the diaper as soon as baby urinates.
B). Always keep the baby wrapped with two layered adequate clothing according to the season.
C). Keep baby’s head & extremities well covered by cap & socks.
D). Keep the baby close to the mother or baby can be kept is skin to skin contact with the mother.
2). PROPER BREASTFEEDING: A mother should know how to feed her baby properly. Below we post some important points that a mother should know about breastfeeding:
A). Breast feeding should be started within half an hour of delivery.
B). Breast feeding should be done by appropriate technique for this you can refer to our previous article that is on breast feeding techniques.
C). First breast feed (milk) called COLOSTRUM should be given to baby, this should not be discarded.
D). Breast feed should be given every two hourly or according to the demand of the baby.
E). After each breast feed burping should be done.
F). Only breast feed should be given to baby for the first six months of age nothing else such as ghutti, honey, cow milk should be given to baby.
3). BABY BATH & SKINCARE: A mother should know “How to gave a proper bath to her baby”. Read the important points below regarding the skin care of the baby:
A). During first or second day of birth usually baby should not be bathed; sponging should be done gently.
B). Vigorous attempts should be avoided to clean the baby’s skin from vernix caseosa (white layering of skin), it generally shed off with time.
C). Baby bath should be given by using warm water in a warm room gently & quickly.
D). Fans, windows& doors should be closed during baby bath.
E). Baby’s head should be dried immediately as most of the heat loss occurs from the head because the surface area of the head is more as compared to other body parts of the baby.
F). Baby should be dried quickly &should be wrapped in a dry warm towel or clothing.
G). Unnecessary exposure to the baby should be avoided.
H). During the winter session sponging is preferred than bathing.
I). Oil massage should be done before baby bath as massaging increases the circulation, provides insulation against heat & prevents insensible heat loss. Massage should be done by using baby oil, olive oil or coconut oil. Mustard oil should be avoided as it causes irritation to the baby’s skin.
A). Cord should be observed continuously for the bleeding or the loosening of the cord stump.
B). Nothing like oil, ghee etc. should be applied to the cord.
C). Cord should be kept dry & open always.
D). Normally it falls off after 5 to 10 days but may take more time if it is infected.
5). BABY CARE OF EYES: Baby Health care tips to take care baby eyes:
A). Eyes should be cleaned daily by using the cotton swabs soaked in boiled water, these should be squeezed nicely.
B). Each eye should be cleaned by using a single swab.
C). Eyes should be cleaned from inner to outer part of the eye to prevent the infection to other eye if occur.
D). Kajal should not be applied to the eyes to prevent the infection or the lead poisoning to the eyes.
E). Eyes should be observed daily for the redness, sticky discharge or yellowness as in the jaundice the sclera of the eyes becomes yellow.
A). Baby’s cloths should be loose, soft &open from front & of cotton. These should be open from the front side for easy wearing.
B). A triangle of square piece of thick, soft absorbent cloth should be used as a napkin.
C). Cloths should not be tight especially around the neck or abdomen.
D). Baby’s cloths should be washed daily & should be dried well in the sunlight or by ironing the clothes as this will help in killing the microbes.
E). There should be separate clothing especially the towel of the baby & should be washed by using mild detergent that should be washed & sun dried properly to prevent skin irritation.
A). Mother should be aware about the immunization schedule for the baby.
B). Immunization card of the baby should be up to date according to the National Immunization Schedule.
C). Mother should get immunized the baby according to the National Immunization Schedule.
D). Mother should be aware about the side effects of the immunization & to consult the doctor if these aggravate.
E). Mother should have knowledge about the importance of the immunization.
8). GENERAL BABY CARE & FOLLOW UP: Below are some more general baby care tips that a mother should know to take care of her baby properly:
A). Mother & baby should be kept in one room.
B). Hands should be washed properly before touching the baby.
C). No infected or diseased person should take care of baby.
D). Baby’s hygiene should be maintained regularly.
E). Baby’s environment should be kept clean by regular cleaning & mopping.
F). Wet nappies should be changed immediately.
G). Weight monitoring should be done regularly.
H). Each baby should be followed up, at least once every month for first three months & subsequently 3 months interval till one year of age.
I). Don’t give unhygienically prepared herbal preparations such as ghutti, gripe water to baby.
By using these all Baby health care tips a mother can care her baby effectively & can promote the well being of her baby by reducing the chances of infections & diseases.


baby care tips
Best Methods of Breastfeeding

In the Last Health informative article we discussed the various benefits of Breastfeeding and how essential and useful is breastfeeding for a child and to her mother. 

If you want to check out our previous article on women's health education on “What is Breast Feeding and Various Benefits of Breast Milk” then you can CLICK HERE. Now in this Health care awareness article, we are sharing some essential Health caring tips that a mother should take care of during the breastfeeding of their baby.

1). After normal delivery, first, breastfeeding should be started within one to half an hour after delivery, in cesarean delivery, first, breastfeeding should be started with-in four to six hours of delivery.

2). The mother should give breastfeed to the baby every two hourly & it should be demand-based according to the need of baby.

3). After each breastfeeds burp the baby by taking him/her at your shoulder & by massaging the back of the baby.

4). The duration of each breast feed should be 5-10 minutes from each breast; this will helps the baby to get both the fore as well as hind milk. 

Fore milk is the milk which is secreted at the starting of breast feeding & is rich in the proteins, vitamins & minerals. Hind milk is the milk which is secreted at the end of breast feeding & is rich in the fat & energy, so it is very important for the mother to breast feed her baby completely from one breast so that the baby completely empty the breast & get the both hind as well as fore milk.

5). Every time mother should breastfeed the baby from the alternate breasts.

6). After each breastfeeds baby should be placed on right side this will help in the prevention of regurgitation.

7). The mother should continue exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age. The baby should be given only the breast milk and nothing else, not even water for 6 months of age.

8). Complementary feeding to the child should be started after the six months of age but breastfeeding should be continued up to 2 years of age or beyond it.

9). Mother should maintain her hygiene, she should take bath daily & wash her breast & wear clean blouse & brassiere to prevent diarrhea etc.

10). The majority of the mothers can successfully breastfeed their baby but some mothers especially the first time mothers having problems in breastfeeding their baby so It is very important for the mother to correctly breastfeed her baby by using the correct technique.

 Health information on How a mother can correctly breastfeed the baby:
Before giving the breast feed mother should be completely relaxed both the physically as well as mentally & should not have any due work to do. Baby should be clean & dry so that the baby can feel comfortable during breast feeding.
Mother should be in the correct positioning for the successful breast feeding. Mother can be in sitting or side lying down position.
Baby should be well supported by the mother. Baby should be in mother’s fore arm and the head of the baby should be elevated (slightly up).
Baby’s head, neck & back should be in one straight line for effective breast feeding.
Baby should be close to mother & the baby’s trunk should be in touch with mother’s trunk & facing towards the breast.
The chin of Baby’s should touch the mother’s breast and cheek should touch mother’s nipple.
Baby’s mouth should be wide opened & whole of the black part of the breast should be in the baby’s mouth.
Lower lip of the baby should be turned outward & the baby’s nose should not be pressed.
Mother should hear the sound of baby’s swallowing.
If the baby falls asleep after few sucks then mother should arouse the baby by gentle tap behind the ear or by tapping on the sole of foot.
Mother should feed completely from one breast to provide full nutrition to the baby.
Mother should feed alternatively from both breasts to have the maximum benefit of breast feeding.
Mother should burp the baby after each feed.
By following all these health care tips a mother can benefit her baby maximally by breast feeding & can help in the proper growth & development of the baby as the mother’s breast milk is precious for the baby.


Continue with our Online Health Care Awareness now in this article Nursing Officer SL Sharma going to explain health care awareness on Breast feeding. The article is about  “What is Brest Feeding and How Breast Feeding is beneficial for a mother and to her Child.

breast feedingBreastfeeding is the best natural feeding for the infant(baby). Breast milk is the best milk than the other milk for babies. Breastfeeding provides all the necessary nutrients to the baby. Breast milk is the safest, hygienic & an effective method for baby feeding. Mother’s milk is the basic & complete food to baby, it also provides emotional & psychological support to both mother as well as to the baby. 

The main cause of the infant’s death is the poor breastfeeding techniques & the practices. So a mother should be aware of the correct breastfeeding techniques & practices for the proper growth of the baby & to keep the baby away from the diseases, so in this article, we are providing you the knowledge about the breastfeeding techniques, its advantages & the medical health care tips for effective breastfeeding.

ADVANTAGES OF THE BREASTFEEDING: As earlier stated the breast milk is the safest, cheapest & most effective way of feeding to the baby. It has many advantages as compared to other ways of baby feeding such as artificial feeding, cow’s milk etc. it provides benefits to both mother as well as to the baby. These advantages are as follows, by keeping in mind these advantages one should always prefer the breastfeeding:
1). NUTRITIVE VALUE: Breast milk of a mother contains all the essential nutrients in the right proportion which are needed for the proper growth & development of the baby. 
Breast milk contains high amount of galactose & lactose which are needed for the growth & development of the baby’s brain, so it also helps in the proper growth & development of baby’s brain. 
Breast milk helps in the absorption of the calcium so it also helps in the bony development of the baby. 
It contains all the essential vitamins, proteins, electrolytes, minerals & water in the rig ht amount which are necessary for the growth & development of the baby. 
Breast milk provides the proper nutrition to the baby.
2). DIGESTIBILITY: Breast milk is easily digestible to the baby as compared to the other milk as it contains the protein which is easily digestible to the baby. 
Breast milk contains enzymes which help in the proper digestion of it that’s why it is easily digestible to baby.
3). PROTECTIVE VALUE: Breast milk contains the immunoglobulin (IgA, IgM, macrophages, lymphocytes) which have the capacity to fight against many diseases & infections so it protects the baby against many infections. 
Breast milk protects the baby from malaria, various infections, allergy, asthma & many other infections. Breast milk provides immunity to baby.
4). PSYCHOLOGICAL BENEFITS: Breast feeding provides psychological benefit to both mother as well to baby. 
Breast feeding promotes the physical as well as the emotional bondage to both the mother & baby by the frequent skin to skin contact, attention & interaction. 
Breast feeding helps in the future in making the better child-parent relationship & lessen the chances of behavioural disorders in the children. 
Breast feeding helps in the development of higher intelligence & feeling of security to infant.
5). BENEFITS TO MOTHER: Exclusive Breast feeding from a mother for the first six months acts as a contraceptive method for the mother, as due to breast feeding there is lactational amenorrhea (absence of menses) because of which mother doesn’t get pregnant. 
Lactational amenorrhea (absence of periods due to breast feeding) helps in restoring the blood means the iron store so the chances of anemia are less to mother.
Breast feeding reduces the chances of ovarian & breast cancer to mother.
It provides psychological satisfaction to mother. It is more convenient for the mother especially in the nights to provide feed to the baby.
6). BENEFITS TO THE FAMILY: Breast feeding is the most economical in terms of saving of money, time & energy of the family. 
Family will spend less on milk, care & illness as a result of the breast feeding because it is natural & also provides immunity to baby to fight with the infections.
Stay Healthy and Take care of Your Baby…..Red rose


In the last article, we discussed the various health problems in women during the pregnancy period. Now in this post, Dr. SL Sharma going to share some health care tips which are very important to know and also helps a pregnant woman during her pregnancy period. So read this medical education article carefully on women's health education. If you want to access our previous article you can CLICK HERE.

WOMAN HEALTH CAREThe knowledge regarding the prevention & management of common minor health problems is very important for a pregnant woman. If the women having knowledge about this then she can manage these minor problems at her own home at the earlier stages & by her own self without any one’s help. 

Here are some of the medical health care tips which can give you the enjoyment to be pregnant throughout the pregnancy. These medical health care tips are based on changing lifestyle behavior, so it is in the hands of a pregnant woman whether she is ready to change the lifestyle or following them regularly. These health tips are as follows:
To prevent the nausea & vomiting follow these medical health care tips:
1. Have the light breakfast such as dry toast, biscuits etc. 
2. Take frequent & small foods because taking a large amount of food can trigger nausea & vomiting. 
3. Avoid the personal triggering factors such as any smell, taste etc. woman can identify these factors by herself & try to avoid these. 
4. Citrus fruits such as lemon, orange etc. can also help in relieving the nausea & vomiting so try these also.
To prevent the backache follow these health care tips:
1. Always have a correct posture that means always keep you back straight during sitting, standing or walking. You can use a chair with good back support to prevent backache. 
2. While resting on your back, keep your legs at a high level than the other parts. You can do it by keeping a pillow below your legs. This helps in relaxing the hips. 
3. Do not stand or sit for a long time & do not work for a long time, have the rest periods in between the working hours. 
4. Avoid high heel shoes. 
5. Keep changing your side while sleeping; you can also use a pillow in between your legs to avoid the discomfort. 
6. Use a hard mattress to sleep this can help in maintaining a good posture during sleep. 
7. Massaging the back muscles & rest can help in relieving the backache.
To Avoid Constipation follow these health care tips:
1. Make regular bowel habits preferably at the same timings. 
2. Take plenty of fluids, green leafy vegetables, milk in the diet. High fiber diet helps in relieving the constipation. 
3. Don’t go to bed immediately after meal, have some walk & after 15-30 minutes go to bed. 
4. If stool becomes very hard causing pain then consult to doctor, he can prescribe you stool softener.
To prevent acidity & heart burn follow these health care tips:
1. Avoid over eating, have frequent & small meals. 
2. Avoid going to bed immediately after meals, have some walk before going to bed. 
3. Avoid too much oily & spicy food. 
4. Drink a lot of fluids. 
5. Sleep with elevated head by keeping pillow below the head, this helps in preventing the back flow of food contents in the food pipe. 
6. If the problem aggravate then consult to your doctor he/she may prescribe some antacids to relieve the problem.
The following medical health care tips can help in preventing the varicose veins & leg cramps:
1. Massaging & applying the local heat can help in relieving the leg cramps. 
2. Vitamin B1 intake only on prescription can also help. 
3. Avoid travelling for a long time during pregnancy. 
4. Avoid hanging your legs in the air. 
5. Always keep a stool or bench under your feet to support them. 
6. Keeping your legs elevated during rest period can also help in preventing the varicose veins. 
7. Elastic crape bandage can be applied during the movement.
To decrease the frequency of urination follows these medical health care tips:
1. Don’t limit the fluid intake. 
2. Avoid the caffeinated drinks such as coffee, coke etc. because these increase the frequency of urination. 
3. Drink appropriate amount of fluids in the day; avoid taking fluids before going to bed at night. 
4. Do kegal exercises; these are the exercises which are used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These are performed in the same way like sometime we withhold (stop) the urge of urination at the places where the urination is not possible. But the main difference is that these are done with emptying bladder. 
5. Don’t withhold the urge to urinate.
A Proper Diet for a Women during pregnancy Period:
Proper Diet during pregnancy is very important for the mother’s good health as well as for the proper growth of the baby. A pregnant woman's diet should contain 2500 kcal & 60 gm of protein. A healthy pregnant woman should gain optimum weight (11 kg) during the pregnancy; this is possible only when there is optimum nutrition provided to the pregnant woman. 

A pregnant woman's diet should contain green leafy vegetables, one litre of milk, 40 mg of iron, 1000 mg of calcium, 15 mg of zinc,175 microgram of iodine & other vitamins. These can be obtained from the green leafy vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, fruits, iodized salt, grains and cereals in adequate amounts.
1. Take adequate rest during pregnancy. A pregnant woman should take minimum 10 hours rest; 8 hours at night & 2 hours at noon. Side lying position is better to rest, keep changing side during sleep. 
2. Take bath everyday but be careful about slipping in the bathroom, if sometime you faint in the bathroom then take support of any hard thing & sit immediately. 
3. Wear comfortable clothes, avoid high heel shoes. 
4. Perineal hygiene should be maintained, change your undergarments daily, wash & dry them properly under the sun. 
5. Iron tablets should be taken regularly, avoid taking iron tablets with the milk, prefer to take them with juice. Don’t take iron & calcium tablets together. Keep a gap of at least one hour. 
6. Avoid travelling for a long time, prefer train travelling than bus. 
7. Avoid smoking & alcohol consumption during pregnancy because the chances of abortion & small baby are more. 
8. Immunization against tetanus is very important during pregnancy. There should be one month gap between two tetanus injections. 
9. Avoid taking drugs by own self without any prescription. 
11. Attend the antenatal clinic & visit regularly according to doctor advice. You should visit the antenatal clinic at least for three times.
Have a healthy and beautiful life..God Bless You..Smile